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The Troubles: The Northern Ireland Conflict

URSPRUNG UND GESCHICHTE EINES KONFLIKTS DER KAMPF UM HOME RULE UND DIE TEILUNG IRLANDS ESKALATION: 1969 BIS HEUTE "THE TROUBLES" HUBE OOLL EAR OF TE,n wwI TEE,ERI TAN RMBLEY, EAL MATN EH, EIED LNEE ONL. ELEI STY HILLWE sa RYAME, JBJE inentende DER NORDIRLAND en te e KONFLIKT NA TRIOBLOIDI a Nod Ad der rla, dm p et rnd dri ie jedechn Beu Spatg sad und n mple Dern n g tpclen ett . RE e des a mNodrto n ide p n Digantmhe de ati t t. er bsie jeded d Ialont Zs d de nd mln Eintngmercian darh inat epri Igmiiiien nd idni A e IDALAIO HTE Algr aeiMSiingang m.E laig dereg nam wi v LE wbnd t und r ledetr iodacien ........* om Atabe in **** AN MAR T STS a eison er Wekie ied die HAUPT-KIFUKTPATud g00 De ahoish i cer n ep C raarund gid D ne wng khris Dr a imp Mithel de on n nginLamh D de INITOI KEBI RKIE ITATETDI LDMALET - Paild ppie LEEDEE ATAE MA T MA ER E MafhatBn obs sh nciiden for bH Soere G ig siigieVertigm en erie on eer daw.

The Troubles: The Northern Ireland Conflict

shared by Da_Lila on Sep 16
1 comment
A timeline about the northern ireland conflict including a brief history of the conclict, it´s roots, the biggest conflict parties and the progress until today.




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