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Snot The Right Color?

SNOTCOONE THE RIGHT COLOR? The stuff that comes out of your nose is normally clear and watery, but it can also change its color during an infection - and did you know that you can even get BLUE snot?! Here's our quick guide to knowing how healthy your nose is from the color of what comes out when you blow it! CLEAR Clear, colorless, thick and the texture of glue normally indicates that your health system is normal snot-wise. CRYSTAL CLEAR WHITE White snot is normally associated with eating dairy products. The fat in dairy products normally makes the snot thicker and generally feels stickier. Yuck. CREAMY WHITE YELLOW Yellow snot is normally a sign of a virus or sinus infection. Light or bright yellow snot means that your body is fighting off something i.e. cold. YUCKY YELLOW BLUE/! Blue snot occurs from a type of bacteria called Pseudomonas Pyocyanea. Only 1 in 10,000 people get blue snot though, so it's pretty rare! Blue snot can also occur when the nose inhales blue powder or something else blue in the air. EERRGGHH BLEU GREENA Green snot can be a sign of a bacterial or fungal infection. The green color is produced by a type of white blood cell that responds to infections and inflammations. Snot becomes trapped in nasal passages GERMY GREEN when sinuses are inflamed. BROWN Brown snot is mostly associated with smokers because of the particles from 20 uality cigarettes. Smoking irritates the nasal passage which leads to slight bleeding. RETTS ВАСCY BROWN REDA The presence of these colors are a sign of blood in the snot which and normally indicates inflamed sinuses and the nose RANCID RED will begin to bleed. It can also occur when there is a sore in the nose. BLACK Black / Grey snot usually means the inhalation of pollutants in the air. The purpose of snot is to trap dirt or other particles from getting further into your body. Most commonly happens when in the open air of a busy city because of all the pollutants. SMOGGY BLACK Wipes out WET WIPES ANTIBACTERIAL If your snot is a funny color, it usually means one thing - you're not well. To stay healthy and prevent spreading illness you can fight against booger-based-bugs – with wipes! YOURSTORE Germs Carry wipes with you if you don't already do that - and you're prepared. Also, take care that surfaces are clean by wiping them regularly at home, work and school. With wipes, you can also keep your hands clean - when you're out in public, and especially after blowing your nose! A C OSE WIPES hand cleaning wipes we wipes Sources: .com

Snot The Right Color?

shared by welovewipes on Dec 30
If your snot is a funny colour, it usually means one thing - your not well. To stay healthy you can fight against booger-based-bugs... with wipes.


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