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Google Adwords Mistakes you need to avoid

Common Google AdWords Mistakes You Need To Avoid Seit Grouping Keywords Correctly SOLUTIONS Accentuate Your Success! One of the biggest mistakes people use to make is that they don't segment their ads into groups based around similar keywords. They add all of their keywords into one ad group. As a result same ad will be shown to everyone. The more you divide your ads and keywords into themes, easier you can manage your campaigns. Use not more than 20 keywords per ad group. 1 Use Right Keyword Matches Second biggest mistake is not using right match of keywords, broad, phrase or exact match keywords. Keywords match types have a big impact over your ads. Top recommended approach to start with exact match and then expand to phrase or broad as required. Use of Negative Keywords Most important thing is to add negative keywords that most of people ignore. Adwords has provided you features if adding negative keywords that doesn't match with your products and services. You should exclude those keywords for campaign level or particular ad group level. Bidding on Your Own Brand Most of business owners are not interested to bid on their brand. But that doesn't mean if you are not advertising for your brand, of course other companies will do. Bidding the highest for your own brand since people who are searching for your company are the most likely to convert. 4 Testing the Optimal Ad Position If your goal is brand promotion then t would be best to be on first 3 positions. But it's better to be in a lower position than first or second if you want best results. Only people looking for a better result will click on your ads. Always find the optimal position by increasing or lowering your bids. Know Your Competitors You must be aware of your competitors. Find out what keywords they are using. Make sure which landing page your competitors are targeting and compare them with 6. yours. Get SEO and PPC Advertising Services @ Seit SOLUTIONS Call us- +91 172 4630 101 +91 9888 758 101 Accentuate Your Success! 2. 3. 5

Google Adwords Mistakes you need to avoid

shared by vipan123 on May 19
Let's be in touch with Google adwords new updates and avoid these mistakes to run campaign smoothly. For more information click here


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