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Understanding Postpartum Depression and How to Deal with It

UNDERSTANDING POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION AND HOW TO DEAL WITH IT Postpartum depression is a common type of depression many new mothers have after giving birth . It affects up to 15 % of women and usually manifests itself through emotional highs and lows , fatigue , frequent crying , anxiety , and guilt . SYMPTOMS M Feelings of sadness , hopelessness , and anxiety Changes in eating habits ( weight loss or weight gain ) Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed Restlessness or irritability AAAD an TYPES Postpartum Blues This depression is standard and can occur within the first few weeks after birth . It may last a couple of days or up to two weeks . Some women have minimal symptoms , while others experience crying spells , mood swings , and exhaustion . Some women feel like they're not bonding with their baby as much as they should be and may seem more irritable than usual . Psychotherapy Postpartum Depression From baby blues to full - fledged depression , the second type of this condition affects about 1 in 7 mothers . The rate increases by 30 % for women who've undergone previous episodes . For this category , you may experience more severe symptoms relating to irritability , fatigue , inability to care for the baby , and extreme highs and lows . Postpartum Psychosis The symptoms of postpartum psychosis often appear immediately after giving birth and can last up to several months . Some of the symptoms include paranoia , confusion , agitation , insomnia , hyperactivity , feelings of shame or hopelessness , and mania or rapid speech . People who experience postpartum psychosis are at a higher risk of suicide and causing harm to the baby . TREATMENT Through continuous sessions with , psychiatrist or mental health professional , you can find better coping mechanisms to sort your feelings , solve problems , respond to situations . positively , and set realistic goals . Antidepressants AAAAA A A A A A If you're experiencing anxiety , stress , and extreme loneliness , the gynaecologist may also prescribe antidepressants . But take note : if you're taking antidepressants while breastfeeding , the medication may affect your milk production . Medication In For more severe types of depression , doctors may prescribe a combination of medications . Examples of this include antipsychotic medications , benzodiazepines , and mood stabilizers . WWW.DRLAWWEISENG.COM.SG FOR Electroconvulsive Therapy This procedure passes small electrical currents to your brain to intentionally trigger a brief seizure . The impact of ECT will change your brain chemistry and hopefully lessen the symptoms of your depression or psychosis .

Understanding Postpartum Depression and How to Deal with It

shared by emilyteoenrui on Oct 11
This infographic provides knowledge about postpartum depression, the different stages, and the available treatment options.



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