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How Can You Support Your Wife Who Has Breast Cancer?

How Can You Support Your Wife Who Has Breast Cancer ? 02 04 5 Tips e Pay attention during doctor visits 01 Doctors will lay out all the possible options , treatments , medication , etc. Part of your job will be to take in all this information on your partner's behalf . So make sure to absorb doctors ' advice and requests . Provide help when she experiences fatigue Your partner will inevitably feel weak and exhausted most days , and it would be a good idea for you to help doing simple to difficult tasks . CA Do not label or ignore side - effects 03 Acknowledge your partner's emotions but never label these moments because your partner might make it seem as though you are invalidating her feelings . Do not force her into sexual intimacy 5 Instead , redefine intimacy ; intimacy does not always mean sex . A warm embrace or a comforting cuddle would be very satisfying for your partner . Always communicate Let her know that you are feeling the same things she is feeling . But it would be best if you also let her know that you will be her support whenever she needs something to hold on to . 05 WWW.DRLAWWEISENG.COM.SG

How Can You Support Your Wife Who Has Breast Cancer?

shared by emilyteoenrui on Aug 16
Read this infographic to learn some tips on how you can support your spouse or love ones who is facing this disease.



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