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Infographic Text About Russian Language Facts

Anything becomes easier to learn when it begins to sound interesting. So, if you are planning on learning one of the most popular languages in the world, checking some cool facts about it can help. Here are some Russian language facts worth reading: Number of Words: 01 Just a century ago, the number of words in this vernacular was between 50,000 to 100,000, Although the number has doubled in the 21st century, it is still not a huge figure as compared to other vernaculars. This means that plenty of them have more than one meaning. The speakers of this tongue prefer to use as little phrases as they can. They only use a few of the 200,000 words that show up in the Russian dictionaries of today. Last Names: 02 Ever wondered why every Russian's last name sounds the same? Well, that's because the last names depending on gender. So, if a boy is being named, his last name will be formed by combining his father's name with 'ovich. In case it is a daughter who is about to get a new name, it will be formed by combining her father's name with 'ovna! So, even if the first name in a story does not tell you anything about the gender of a character, the last name will give it away. 03 Importance in Space Travel: If you want to become an astronaut and explore the outer space, you will have to learn Russian. Otherwise, all of your knowledge about astrophysics won't be able to get you to space. The reason behind this regulation is Russia's presence in the International Space Station. English Words: 04 There is good news for English speakers who wish to learn this tongue. If you read ten Russian words, one of them will be similar to an English term. This is why a native English speaker may have a bit of an advantage when learning this language. Words with A: 05 There is an unwritten rule in the Russian language against words that start with A. Evennative speakers might have difficulty recalling a word that begins with the letter A. And if you are studying a dictionary and come across a word that starts with this letter, it means that was adopted from another vernacular. There is a high chance that it will be an English word because of the huge influence of the language on the world. Syllables: 06 Not only do the Russians speak a few words, but they also prefer fewer syllables. Most of the words in the language have only word syllables. This is quite a unique factor for the speakers of the English language. However, almost all of the adjectives in Russian have more than one syllable.

Infographic Text About Russian Language Facts

shared by ustranslation on Jun 30
Anything becomes easier to learn when it begins to sound interesting. So, if you are planning on learning one of the most popular languages in the world, checking some cool facts about it can help. He...


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