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Hindi Language Facts

An Old Tongue: One of the world's most popular tongues originated centuries ago. Interestingly, it descended from another vernacular of the region: Sanskrit. The written works in Hindi have been around since the 12th century. Islamic Influence: When the Muslims came to the region, Hindi was still the vernacular of a large number of people. During this time, it ended up taking a lot of loan words from the languages of the invaders: Persian and Arabic. Some of those words can still be spotted in the tongue. English Words: If you are a Hindi speaker in today's world, plenty of English words would be a part of your everyday vocabulary. However, the latter has also taken plenty of loan words from the former. Languages always affect each other in one way or another. So, it should be no surprise that English ended up adopting words from the vernacular of India. The British colonized the region and picked up a lot of things from the people during that time; loan words are just one of them. Easy to Learn: There are many benefits to learning this vernacular. You can connect with a wide audience that speaks and understands Hindi. But what's better is that it is also quite easy to learn. The reason behind that is the alphabet. A distinct sound has been assigned to each letter. So, once you learn the sounds, reading and speaking the tongue will become super easy. And if you are a speaker of Urdu, learning Hindi will be even easier for you due to the similarities between the two. National Unity: Since each state in India has its own official tongue, Hindi is used as the binding force for the nation. The majority of the country's population can speak it. It is the vernacular they use to interact with each other since their tongues are quite different. It is also valued by the government for this purpose, and a special day is dedicated to celebrate the language. Unique Sentence Structure: Those who are familiar with the sentence structure of English will find that of Hindi to be quite unique. In this tongue, the verbs always come at the end of the sentence. The noun, however, appears at the beginning. So, if you translate a sentence in English, it could make sense, but it will look out of order. Persian Name: The language is not named after the country. Its name came from Persian. There are multiple meanings of the word in Persian. One of them is 'the land of the Indus River. Indus is a river that passes through both India and Pakistan. Studying Hindi will make you notice how much it has been influenced by Persian and other vernaculars of the region.

Hindi Language Facts

shared by ustranslation on Jun 29
An Old Tongue: One of the world’s most popular tongues originated centuries ago. Interestingly, it descended from another vernacular of the region: Sanskrit. The written works in Hindi have been ar...


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