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Google Ads Strategies

Google Ads Google Ads Strategies : Convert Non - Relevant Traffic into Relevant Traffic Fundamental Targeting It is all about whom you want to show your Ad . Perfect and Relevant Targeting helps to increase organic traffic and experience of the user on - site . Types of fundamental targeting are as follows : 1 ) Location Targeting : Country , State , City , Pincode , Radius , Airports . 2 ) Device Targeting : Mobile , Desktop , Tablet . 3 ) Device Brand : OnePlus , Apple , Samsung , etc. 4 ) Operating - System Targeting : IOS , Windows , Android , Webos . 5 ) Language . 6 ) Gender / Parental Status . 7 ) Interest . Extension Extensions help an Ad to appear more prominent . As extensions don't affect ranking and quality score , it is an extra benefit given by google and makes Ad more valuable . It also helps to track and measure conversion . Types of extensions are : Call Extension . 2 ) Location Extension . 3 ) Sitelink Extension . 4 ) Price Extension . 5 ) Call - Out Extension . 6 ) Promotion Extension . 7 ) Structured Snippet Extension . 8 ) Lead Extension . 9 ) App Extension . Keyword Match type Using the right Keyword Match type increases the chance of appearing Ad in results . Types of Keyword Match are : 1 ) Broad Match - Symbol : None . 2 ) Phrase Match - Symbol : " Keyword . " 3 ) Exact Match - Symbol : [ Keyword ] . Ads and Keywords Ad is directly connected with keywords . Using proper keywords can increase the chance of ranking on - page . Also , headlines and descriptions of Ads should be relevant . You need to do keyword research to know what the user searches for . Landing Page Landing Page should be optimized very well . If the landing page doesn't load fast , then this can reduce CTR / Conversion . Also , make sure that all the technical issues regarding the landing page should be solved , as this can help the user explore the page easily . Implement Lazy Loading to improve website performance . Analyze Auction Report Understand this report as this report lets you know which all advertisers are competing on the same keyword . You get to know about your competitors who are bidding on the same keyword same as you . Ad Auction Report displays : Impression Share , Avg . Position , Overlap Rate , Position Above Rate , Top of Page Rate , Outranking Share . Budget Use budget effectively and efficiently . Improving the Quality Score and Ad Rank can help a website to decrease its budget . Try to increase the funding of those campaigns which are performing well . Use Negative Keywords Effectively Improper Negative Keywords can reduce impressions . Therefore be careful while using negative keywords . Negative keywords play a significant role in converting Non relevant traffic to Relevant traffic . It stops the users to see your Ad which have irrelevant search query . Conversion Tracking It is crucial to use conversion tracking as it helps us to know which Adgroup and keyword were triggered during user search . It also helps to know from where exactly we are getting conversions . Call - to - Action for Mobile Ads Including Call - to - Action can directly help users to contact you . Call to - Action helps to increase leads .

Google Ads Strategies

shared by pranatmistry456 on Sep 15
How to Convert Non-Relevant traffic into Relevant traffic. Fundamental Targeting Extension Keyword Match Type



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