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Tenants guide to moving in

TENANTS What to do when you move in! The only guide you'll ever need to get you through moving into your privately rented property. guide things to remember when you move in 1. looking for a landlord Make sure your landlord is registered with the National Landlords Association, an accredited organisation that protects you as well as the landlord. 2. Electrical Safety If possible, get a copy of the Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) from your landlord when you move in. This ensures the condition of the electrics is safe. Do visual checks on appliances to check they have been PAT tested and are safe to use. 3. Smoke alarms Once you have moved in, make sure to test all the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms in the property every month. If there are no alarms in the home, contact your landlord. 4. Visual Checks Check meter readings, taking pictures of them to mark the start of your tenancy. Check all electrical wiring in the home, take pictures of any faults, as proof, and report to landlord. 5. Contact In case of emergency, it's important to have a contact number for your landlord. If you can't contact the landlord, try your letting agency. What to do if... | can't get hold of my landlord! The power has cut! If you can't reach your landlord, try your letting agency. If your landlord ignores the issue, contact your local council for advice. Check all plugs and lights, to see if they still work. If they do, there is a more serious problem with your consumer unit. Report problems to your landlord ASAP. We need an The light bulb has broken! electrician! Consult your landlord and make sure they hire a registered, qualified person to carry out all the electrical work. Light bulbs are the tenants responsibility to replace. Do not call your landlord for this problem. EC4U Brought to you by: ELECTRICIAN COURSES 4U

Tenants guide to moving in

shared by EC4U on Sep 03
What to do when you move into your new rental property! This guide covers all the stages to cover your key electrical responsibilities and what's important in keeping you safe. Covers smoke al...


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