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Defining Evaluation discipline

MONITORINe EVALUATION Definition: Definition: Systematic gathering and analysis of data that allows to make systematic value judgements Continuos and regular supervision of a project's implementation, with respect to its planification. Purpose: AL RESEARC about the value or merit of an intervention. Knowledge building Object: Projects, programs, plans and policies Aims: Linked to program - Improve evaluated programs and policies - Promote accountability - Enlightement for future actions management. Recipients: Scientific community Systematic inquiry, disciplined, purposed No systematic judgement implied. Use of performance data Publicly confirmable Characteristics: and other similar information Often, A) Political nature: with no-applied nature Applied, for practical purposes Intrinsec to Evaluation's field of exercise. Evaluated programs are results of political decisions. Evaluation findings are used for decision-making. Implemented policies are examined. Therefore, it has to be: credible, flexible and timely. Permanent, ongoing, inside function. Object: Feedback, Learning Aimed to enlight. and Improvement function Object: Implemention Social B) Practical nature: Systematic judgement is guaranteed by: problems - Initial consensus on Criteria - Judgement based on systematically collected data Evaluation's unique: Judgements and recommendations Study of political answers to certain problems Systematic judgements Regulated and standarized practice as an outcome. Aim: as an outcome. C) Applied nature: It is valuable as long as it is used. Exhaustive and Monitoring reality facts' evolution regular monitoring of a social issue. BSERVATORIES Users' information needs must be covered. Criteria are standard (norms, procedures, standards). Use of Users: identified Stakeholders. indicators QUALITY Methodological key issues: 1. Context as Evaluation's organiser and driving force 2. Central importance of Criteria 3. Methodology for judging and recommending 4. Communication is crucial. Source: Bañón, R. (comp.) 2003. La evaluación de la Acción y las Políticas Públicas. Madrid; Díaz de Santos. Pág. 13-32: Bustelo, M. “¿Qué tiene de específico la metodología de la evaluación?" © 2012, Sara Vaca (@visualbrains) VIƆOS

Defining Evaluation discipline

shared by VisualBrains on May 27
To better understand what Evaluation is, it is compared to another disciplines (such as Quality or Research), to find common points and unique features.


Sara Vaca


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