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Attack of the Infographics!

House bil jestimated S20 bilion) Tax cus S Slicing up the economic stimulus bill The Congressional Budget Ofice estimates that te bu of the spending in he House-approved Saz0 bilon stimulus bil would be allocated to health abor and education The tax portion of he bil would account tor roughy 22 percent. Sipering a7a Spending of at lest si00 milion annually gh cal yea TAL INDIRrT aPENDNa DINECT NDNG TO orvioLS SPENDING 2011 Medcat Elsewhere in the 2012 Speding 2013 2014 2015 2016 Tranportn hong and ergy devenet23 nd and e ment, an water and avng 2017 Lat eth nd human evices Assatance to unemployed wen and 208 Agroe, ion and aldvekpnen 2 batnes tanes 57 *e mertmer Coe e ed tery n ee D mnd Sty, pamet shows spendngs BOUNCE Conpntt oi 000000000000 EDO A CLOSER LOOK AT THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS beatgL besher o Pederal THE ECONOMY IS IN CRISIS l sal

Attack of the Infographics!

shared by rmmojado on Jan 17
Mucho gracias to Mark for introducing me to the term infographic. Of course everyone has already seen plenty of them, but I didn’t realize there was a dedicated name for all these snazzy graphs and ...


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