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How To Measure Social Media Marketing Performance | Social media KPIs

WWEBSITEVALA Raise Your Cyber Wealth HOW TO MEASURE SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PERFORMANCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reach Reach is simply the number of individuals who view your content . Impressions Impressions represent the number of times your content was viewed . Subscribers / Followers Followers or Subscribers are individuals who have selected to subscribe to or follow a particular social media account . Reputation Score It impacts how potential clients perceive your company and brand . Cost - per - click ( CPC ) CPC ( Cost - per - click ) is the money you pay per click on a social advertisement . Engagement Rate The engagement rate is used to gauge how engaged your audience is with your content and how successful your brand efforts are . The engagement rate can be measured by Likes , Shares , Comments , Saves , Messages Click - through rate ( CTR ) CTR ( Click - through rate ) is a metric that counts the number of clicks a post gets divided by the number of impressions . Conversion rate The conversion rate is a critical social media marketing metric that indicates the frequency at which your social content initiates the process of a conversion event , such as a purchase , download , or subscription . Visit :

How To Measure Social Media Marketing Performance | Social media KPIs

shared by websitevalain on May 01
"Undoubtedly, social media has become an integral part of our daily routine, and millions of users worldwide rely on various social media platforms to communicate, share, and connect with others. Cons...




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