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Imposter Syndrome: How to Not Feel as a Fraud

Imposter Syndrome : How to Not Feel as a Fraud " I don't need anyone's help ; I always perform better alone " " I can't apply for this job because I am not qualified enough ; I need to study more " The Expert 1 Detect imposter syndrome signs at the early stage . How to Beat Imposter Syndrome The ways of overcoming imposter syndrome can vary depending on the individual cases . Here are some general recommendations . LO 5 Track your success . 6 X The Soloist Visualize your success . Think of the achievements and features you are proud of . 7 Celebrate tiny victories . Definition Impostor syndrome is a mental condition forcing people to doubt their abilities and / or accomplishments . It is accompanied by the fear of being exposed as a fraud . The impostor syndrome can require special treatment , which makes it different from natural self - doubt . " I can't spend much time on this task ; it's a shame ! " 13 " My work has to be ideally perfect 100 % of the time " The Natural Genius X " I will never be qualified enough to apply for this job " " I don't need anyone's help ; it will show my weakness if I ask someone for help " X " If I make a mistake , others will think I am not professional " " Teamwork generates more ideas and can lead to a better result " Created by Business Essay Signs The fear of being incompetent . Setting unrealistic goals . Considering success as luck . Performing differently each time . Inability to accept a compliment . Inability to accept criticism . Racing with oneself . Stress , anxiety , depression . Disappointment in current achievements . Discuss the syndrome with someone you respect . X " This is a " This task is so complex , I don't challenging think I can I should quit " 2 Accept that you have imposter syndrome . 3 do it . task ! I can learn Develop a sense of self - compassion . something new and train my brain " The Perfectionist 4 8 Get professional advice from a therapist . AN Imposter Syndrome Mindset & How to Change It 13 Tips " I feel like my job position is not deserved , so I need to work more than my colleagues " People with imposter syndrome always think that others know more , can do better , are more qualified and experienced , etc. There are typical beliefs such people follow . Let's see how to change them : G " I will do my best to match all the requirements of this job " The Superperson Separate feelings from facts . X Don't compare yourself to others . 9 Learn to control your emotions . 10 " It's OK if I make a mistake . I will learn and work on it and don't repeat it " Don't ignore your failures . important . It's just my work " 11 X " All my achievements " All my achievements are just pure luck " are the result of my work and self development " 12 " I don't think I " I'm proud of did something getting such results for years . I do my job very well "

Imposter Syndrome: How to Not Feel as a Fraud

shared by caitlynhewitt on Oct 31
If you've ever doubted your abilities while others said you're good enough, you might have experienced imposter syndrome. This infographic will help you discover signs of such a condition and provide ...


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