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Tips for Practicing the Piano AWAY From the Keys

HOW TO Prâctice the Piano... Off the Keys! LISTEN - Find a professional recording of each song you are learning and make a playlist you can listen to in the car, around the house, or at work. You will reinforce tricky rhythms, changing tempos, dynamicsS, pedaling, etc. each time you hear it being played accurately. PRACTICE HAND SHAPE - If you have a squishy ball on your desk at work, pick it up and look at your hand shape - you should be able to see all three knuckles. After observing your hand, put the ball down but keep the same hand shape. You should be able to touch the desktop with all four fingertips and the side tip of your thumb. Be sure your wrist is lifted. Now try tapping fingers individually without letting the knuckles wiggle or collapse. ELIMINATE TENSION - If you typically feel like your muscles are all knotted up after you finish a practice session, you are probably allowing tension to build up without even knowing it. Being aware of how ten- sion feels and where you feel it the most, as well as when you feel it the most, are the first steps toward eliminating it. TRY THIS EXERCISE- Start with your spine, and think about your posture. With your feet resting flat on the floor, center yourself by straightening your spine from the bottom up. If you are near a wall, stand and let the back of your head rest on the wall. Go back to your seat and sit quietly for 10 seconds with this corrected posture. With consistent reminders, your posture will improve! t0 takelessons

Tips for Practicing the Piano AWAY From the Keys

shared by TakeLessonsTL on Jul 16
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You may not always be at your piano... but you CAN always find ways to practice your piano technique! Here are some great exercise ideas for adults to try.




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