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Best Orchestrated Burglaries in History

Burglaries Best Orchestrated in History Hear that glass breaking? The Greatest 11 11 11 The Antwerp Diamond Job BAGHDAD BANK 11 ROBBERY 11 11 VALUE: $100 Million 11 11 The perpetrators of this 2003 heist oppened ten layers of security for 11 11 a massive haul in uncut diamonds. 11 The Banco Central 11 Caper 11 11 VALUE: $282 Million VALUE: 11 In 2007, someone made off $70 Million 11 with $282 million from the 11 Dar Es Salaam Bank in Baghdad !! - all in US funds. No one has ever been caught 11 In 2005 in Fortaleza, Brazil, a small gang of thieves tunneled through more 11 than 250 feet of real estate to reach the bank vault. 11 The Knightsbridge Security Deposit HOLD-UP VALUE: $96 Million In 1987, Valerio Viccei and crew held the bank employees at gunpoint while they literally hauled out cash and valuables from the other safe deposit boxes. The Great The 11 Train 11 Harry Winston 11 11 Heist 11 Robbery 11 11 Back in 1963, a group of 15 men 11 used a fake train signal to stop a In 2008, four men stormed the Harry Winston jewelry store in Paris and stole about 11 mail train in Buckinghamshire, 11 England. 11 11 $108 million worth of diamonds. This quad was dressed in drag and armed with a hand grenade and a .357 Magnum worthy of a Dirty Harry movie. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 VALUE: $74 Million 11 Keep this in mind: the vast majority of these criminal masterminds were eventually caught despite their planning skills. No AMOUNT OF CASH OR JEWELS IS WORTH THE LOSS OF YOUR FREEDOM. BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BestLOCKSMITH SYDNEY: Source: w

Best Orchestrated Burglaries in History

shared by bestlocksmith on Jan 27
If you’re still thinking about knocking over that bank or jewelry store, keep this in mind: the vast majority of these criminal masterminds were eventually caught despite their planning skills. No a...





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