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Save Our Schools

Save our schools infographic3_Layout 1 5/7/10 12:26 AM Page 1 SAVE OUR SCHOOLS! CEO Ron Huberman claims that the Chicago Public Schools face a $600 million deficit that will require a 20 to 25 percent cut in classroom staffing. But his numbers don't add up. High-stakes $60 million testing -$600 million is just 8.7 percent of Chicago Public Schools' overall budget. So why TIF money should school staff face a 25 percent cut? - The current “budget crisis" is really a matter of priorities. Recently, the city approved $450 million in borrowing to finance "capital projects." This will mainly go to charter schools. Aren't neighborhood schools and the education of our youth just as $250 million important? Why are Huberman and other bureaucrats getting fat raises while increasing class size and cutting athletic, after-school and other critical programs? Money spent on charters, turnarounds and contract schools $315 million Budget shortfall claimed by Huberman CPS cash reserve $600 million $400 million* At the end of 2009, CPS had a various reserve funds totalling $406 million. However, CPS has refused to release the current level of reserves, despite repeated requests. MASS RALLY, TUESDAY, MAY 25 Everyone who cares about public education should mobilize to defend our schools! Teachers, students, parents and community groups welcome! Hands off my school Meet at the Board of Education, 125 S. Clark St. at 4 pm CORE Caucus of Rank and File Educators $1.025 billion

Save Our Schools

shared by Angel on Dec 28
This infographic provides information about the Chicago school system and proposed budget cuts. It urges supporters of schools to come to a rally against budget cuts that don't add up.




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