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Inside the mind of a demand generation manager

Inside the mind of a Demand Generation Manager Make "Measure and Optimize" your new mantra Automation's the name of the game Define and streamline your lead management processes. Use the right marketing automation platform to automate to the maximum extent possible. Define and track different metrics related to campaigns, channels, leads, revenue. Use these performance metrics to refine and optimize your efforts and investments. Leads are everywhere. Keep an eye out for them. Closely track different sources like website, campaigns, social Quality or Quantity It's like walking a tightrope. The key is to strike the right balance between delivering volume leads and quality leads that will keep sales happy. AUTOMATION'S AND OPTIMIZE" YOUR NEW MANTRA THE NAME OF MAKE "MEASURE THE GAME QUALITY media, events, referrals, news OR & media to build your QUANTITY BE LEADS ARE EVERYWHERE CREATIVE leads database. GET THE SALES KEEP IT FRESH HANDSHAKE Get the sales handshake Be creative Work closely with marketing to make your campaigns stand out. Experiment freely with your campaigns, content, design, offers – everything. Involve sales and inside sales early on in the lead management process. Understand what sales considers to be a "good" lead and refine your qualification process accordingly. | Inbound vs Outbound Keep it fresh Ensure your leads database, campaign content, templates, lead baits are all up-to-date. Why this fuss over semantics? Focus instead on running integrated campaigns, coordinated and executed across channels. ©2012 LeadFormix Inc. All Rights Reserved INBOUND VS OUTBOUND

Inside the mind of a demand generation manager

shared by leadformix on Aug 03
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LeadFormix Infographics on: Inside the mind of a demand generation manager




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