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8 Common Language Mistakes to Avoid

eurotalk 8 common language mistakes to avoid After a meal in France, don't say Je suis plein(e). What you thought you said - 'I am full. What you actually said - 'I am pregnant. In Italy, you might spend more than you expect if you say 'Vorrei comprare una camera. What you thought you said - I'd like to buy a camera. What you actually said - I would like to buy a room. Don't be surprised if a German friend turns down your offer when saying 'Möchtest du ein gift?' What you thought you said - 'Would you like a gift?' What you actually said - 'Would you like a poison?" If you're a man shopping in Norway, don't be startled if the shop assistant says, 'Dress passer deg. You thought they said - 'The dress looks good on you! They actually said - The suit looks good on you. If you're spending winter in Spain, avoid feeling discomforted someone says 'Estoy constipado. What you thought they said - 'I am constipated: What they really said - 'I have a cold! In Japan, don't be surprised if you see a Ray (manshon)' listed for a low price. What you thought it meant - 'Mansion' What it actually meant - 'Apartment %3D On a business trip to France, try not to misjudge the 'Chef'. 00%. Who you thought they were - 'a cook' Who the actually are - 'the boss' Try not to compliment a friend in Portugal by saying 'VocĂȘ olhar esquisito. What you thought you said - 'You look exquisite. What you actually said - 'You look weird! For more fun language facts, visit our blog.

8 Common Language Mistakes to Avoid

shared by eurotalk on Apr 02
It's normal to make some mistakes when you're learning a new language, but some can land you in a tricky situation. Here are a few examples to look out for.






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