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10 Tips for a Greener 4th of July

10 TIPS FOR A GREENER FOURTH of JULY #1 UPCYCLE YOUR TABLETOP Flags MAKE YOUR OWN PATRIOTIC APPARREL * Iron on a layer of fusible web, like Pellon Wonder Under * Peel away the paper, then iron the flag onto a tee or a jacket * Add an border of zig-zag stitching for a finished look #3 KEEP THE CELEBRATION *2Outside Save Energy & Turn it off! AIR CONDITIONING, TVS, COMPUTERS, PADS & VIDEO GAMES FIND SOME old-fashioned family fun WITH OLD SCHOOL TRADITIONS * BADMINTON * VOLLEY BALL * HORSESHOES #3 WHY? CH4 GO VEGETARIAN BECAUSE METHANE for a day IS A HARMFUL BYPRODUCT OF MEAT CONSUMPTION #4 PUMP YOUR BREW FROM A KÉG YOU WON'T HAVE TO THINK ABOUT BOTTLES vs CANS OR PITCHING vs RECYCLING Leave the 75 PAPER & PLASTIC at the store million tons of plastic bottles ARE TOSSED YEARLY USE THE PLATES AND SILVERWARE YOU ALREADY HAVE PURCHASE BPA FREE, REUSABLE PLASTIC ALTERNATIVES Make your own "Popsicles" with organic fruit juice "6 avoid layers of STICKY PACKAGING that cant be recycled GO TO A Public Fireworks DISPLAY #7 Save on the cost of fireworks, avoid injuries KEEP GREEN Avoid creating additional firework related chemicals, which are bad for the environment by not buying your own AFTER DARK WITH Solar lights You won't have to worry about retrieving and disposing of all of those rockets that land in your neighbor's yard #9 ECO-FRIENDLY SUNSCREEN ALTERNATIVES SPF 30 Check Out THE ENVIRONMENTAL WORKING GROUP'S 2014 GUIDE TO SUNSCREENS AT EWG.ORG #10 Make your own Natural mosquito repellent Create your own using CATNIP or more aromatic blends with: * CITRONELLA * LAVENDER * LOTUS OIL ATTRACTIVE GREEN PRODUC TS AT THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICING Visuals by WASE WISE PRODUCTS INC.

10 Tips for a Greener 4th of July

shared by wastewiseproducts on Jun 18
On summer holidays like the 4th of July, family celebrations go on automatic pilot. We hit the grocery store for steak and hot dogs to grill in the backyard. have you ever thought about ways to make y...


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