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How to work with realtor ?

ADVICE Keepit business FOR DEALING WITH YOUR Feetas Don't open up with your realtor, don't be a friend with him, keep it business relationship REALTOR 2 Lock on certain price Most real estate agents get paid through commission of the buying or selling price, so be adamant and candid about your final numberand don't submit to their efforts to seal the deal at any price. 6 Bepunctual You need to respect your dates and be up to your time in order to expect the same kind of demeanor from your realtor Be ready for sealing the deal 7 Don't pass the middleman Be sure your realtor knows you are totally willing to get a deal done so not to be shifted down in their priorities list Don't try to opena back channel of communication with the other party of the deal, because if the realtor finds out the whole operation could be at stake 4 Expect extra charges demands 8 Check for license Realtor charge is always negotiable, rememberthat so you don't get stunned when asked for an extra commission or You need to check the realtor licenses and guarantee his honesty. payment 9 Feel free 5 Different sources of information Feel free to ask your realtor questions, good realtor should know that it's his duty to reassure his customer and answer all his questions. Ask about the square meter price average in the area where you are willing to buy/sell your property.Don't let the realtor your only informer or source of information Weetas BY:

How to work with realtor ?

shared by 555 on Dec 02
Realtor is person who works in real estate and helping people who wants to buy any real estate. so now we give you some advice to work with them.


realtor work


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