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Timeshare Sales Process

THE TIMESHARE PITCH THE TIMESHARE PROCESS CONSISTS OF 3 STEPS: TOUR INCENTIVES, FRONTLINE, AND IN-HOUSE TOUR INCENTIVES Tour incentives are dangled to get customers to the property. Tour incentives can include discounted stays, free show or theme park tickets, or some other special gift. Tour is pitched as "Only being 90 minutes". Tour incentives lead you to the next part of the process, Frontline. FRONTLINE That 90 minute presentation often turns into 3-4 hours of a high pressure sales pitch. Sales representative finds out what like you to do and where you want to go. They want to instantly become "your friend". You will be seated in a hospitality room, offered coffee and snacks, and watch a dazzling presentation about all the places that you can visit. You will then be taken on a tour of the property, and then the hard sell begins. If you decline, a manager may be called over and might tell you that the deal is good for today only. IN-HOUSE This where existing owners are pitched to upgrade their timeshare, often through a "member service update". In-House sales reps create "problems". These "problems" are created in order to get you to upgrade for a feature, a location, or a VIP program. You will likely be sold on VIP levels in order to coerce you into an upgrade. This where the misrepresentations and lies really begin. THE FIVE MOST COMMON COMPLAINTS WE GET COME FROM TIMESHARE SALES Lie #1 - You can make money by renting out your timeshare. Lie #2 - You can sell your timeshare for more money than you paid for it. Lie #3 - The buyback program. You are sold on grand promises that the developer will buy back your timeshare. Lie #4 - You can refinance later with your bank at a lower rate. Banks are not in the business of loaning money against something of little to no value. Lie #5 - False Sense of Urgency. Were you told that the "special" offer to buy your timeshare was only good for today? It wasn't true. LINX LEGAL INC ВВ. ACCREDI"ED RUSINESS A+

Timeshare Sales Process

shared by brandonbarron on Sep 15
Had this infographic made, and would love some feedback on it. Too cluttered with too much information or not? We cater to an older demographic, so I want to add more visual content to our site. Any s...


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