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Features of Symfony

1 3 4 5 FEATURES OF SYMFONY X of FLEXIBILITY Symfony is surprisingly well - organized and is full to the brim with features . The architecture of the framework lets developers build sustainable web apps in the easiest way possible . It has two technological advantages setting it apart from others - Bundles and Components . CUSTOMIZABILITY The framework of Symfony has several custom functionalities and features for both businesses and developers . By leveraging the services of a web app development company specializing in Symfony , you can make your web app user - oriented . The advanced Object Oriented Programming architecture of Symfony lets you scale up projects . REFINED MVC ARCHITECTURE The MVC architecture of this framework is perfect for a systematic and scalable web development project . By using MVC at the core of web development , the framework ensures that the project has an organized file structure with one " Model , " one " View , " and one " Controller . " A MASSIVE COMMUNITY Based on the information presented on the official website of the framework , it has more than 3,000 contributors and a passionate group of more than 600,000 developers spread in more than 120 countries . Furthermore , the framework of Symfony enjoyed 20.7k stars , 1,304 watchers , and 6,901 forks on GitHub . STABILITY The last unique feature of Symfony worth mentioning is its stability and sustainability . It's a commercially supported framework sponsored and developed by SensioLabs . It provides three - year support for all the versions . Additionally , the organization provides lifetime support for every security issue . MOON ™ TECHNOLABS For More Details , You May Visit

Features of Symfony

shared by moontechnolabs on May 16
If Symfony is the framework you want to use, make sure that the developers of your preferred Symfony development company utilize these tools.




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