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Laravel Vs. Symfony? Which One Do You Choose for the 2021 Web Project?

sf VS Laravel Vs. Symfony Which One Do You Choose For The 2021 Web Project? Laravel Vs. Symfony | PHP Framework For Web Development Larvel (Current Version: 8.4.1; Nov 2020) Introduced By Taylor Otwell In 2011 As A Convenient Alternative To Codelgniter About 30% Of Laravel Code Is Symfony Provides Advanced Scalability Features • Capable To Fix Bugs & Improve The Usability GitHub Star Rating: 57.7K Stars Symfony (Current Version: 5.2.6; March 2021) f Introduced By Sensio Labs In 2005 Use Existing PHP Components Like Twig As A Template Engine Preferable For High-Performing & Complicated Web Apps Available With Accessible Scalability Features Developed For Large-Scale Projects GitHub Star Rating: 22.8K Stars Similarities Between Laravel & Symfony Both Offer Support Less Complexity In Multi-Language Support Multi-User Installation System Built-In MVC And Support Text Search & Scaffolding Object-Relational Mapping For Data Access On Doctrine (Symfony) & Eloquent (Laravel) Laravel Or Symfony Features To Be Explored Performance f Average Loading Time For Websites: 250 Milliseconds Average Loading Time For Websites: 60 Milliseconds Unified APIS For Caching Views Caches Source Code And Views By Default Easy Data Migration & Overall Adaptability And Optimal Performance Performance Security & Support Offers Online Training And Support Offer Live-Time Support For Documentation Security Protect Websites From Common Provides Long-Term Maintenance Security Risks Modularity Restricted For Quick Changes In Web Applications Offer Better Modularity With Reusable Components Database Support MYSQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQLServer MYSQL, Oracle, Drizzle, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere Popularity More Popular: More Than 1 Million Less Popular: 30,000+ Websites Built Websites Built Community 40K Community 300K Community Why Should You Choose Laravel Or Symfony? of Symfony Is Best For Complex And Large-Size Web Applications Laravel Preferable For Rapid Development, Performance, And Speed analyze your app requirements & hire expert web developers @ValueCoders!

Laravel Vs. Symfony? Which One Do You Choose for the 2021 Web Project?

shared by angelinajasper12 on Nov 03
Both PHP Frameworks Laravel and Symfony offer multilanguage support, but Laravel preferable for rapid development and Symfony is best for complex web applications.


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