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The Complete Google+ Cheatsheet

TECHNOStreaK THE COMPLETEO Google+ Cheatsheet Share what's new... In a post, style the text by enclosing the text with: (asterisk) for Bold (underscore) for Italic (hyphen) for Strikethrough 2 on your stream, do certain tasks easily... use the below keys and combos to - Move to next post on Stream K Move to previous post on Stream - Go to Chat Scroll down Stream Space Shift Scroll up stream Space Enter, -On a Stream Press Enter to Comment Tab Then Enter Post typed comment Mention others on Posts or comments with: + or @ symbol Click on timestamp Tharun ( ) - 11:41 AM Limited TS next to name to get the Permalink of a post Hello World! On a post Shared with limited people, Clicking 5 the link "Limited" Will shows the members who can see it. 6 If a person has more than one profile picture,Clicking on the Profile picture will rotate them. This is a unique feature on Google+ Sharing Photos,Videos,Links are much easier on Google+.Just Drag and drop the URL in the Post box to share. A You can edit the photos uploaded by you using the Google+'s default photo editor.You can choose to edit phito by clicking on Edit Photo under Actions menu. The chat box can be resized on Google+.Just place your cursor on the sides or edge of the chat box and it turns into a resizing pointer.Just click and drag to change the size to fit your need. 1O You can move through the photos of an album with your Scroll wheel on the mouse. This would be simple and easy. If a post annoys you by reminding of comments on it, Click the Down arrow against the post which shows you a Drop down menu.Choose Mute this post and you will not be notified about the follow ups in future. 12 Public +1 Tab: If ever you have +1 'd a link on the web, you could see the +1 tab on your profile.It is private by default.To make it Public, go to the tab and make a tick on the check box labeled Show this tab on my profile. In the +1 Tab only the web paged you have +1'd will appear and not the posts. 13 S Tharun ( ) - Share Click Share on Share from any Google Site... the Google bar From any Google Page , a post on your to make + account. + Add circles or people to share with... Share Edit Profile On Your Profile Enter a name in the text box on the top right side of the page to see how your profile looks to them... See how your profile appears to others. Type in a name or view as... O Anyone on the web 16 To have private conversations make a post and share it with only specific people you want and disable Resharing the post.By this way the post will be visible only to the persons you selected and only they could comment. O Public Green: People outside your circles can see. Blue: Only specific people or people in your circle can see. O Friends 17 18 If you find any problem or bugs with Google+ Report them by clicking "Send feedback" button on the bottom right of your screen and high light the problem on the page giving some explanation and submit. Source: An infographic by :TECHNOStreak Copyright ©

The Complete Google+ Cheatsheet

shared by youcom on Nov 27
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This infographic provides all the information for shortcuts on using Google+ the latest social media website by google.




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