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War v Piracy - Who Wins?

War Army uniforms: BRA USA GBR FRA The English word "pirate" is derived from the Latin term "pirata" and from the Greek "neipatýs" (peiratēs) MAIN ARMED FORCES IN THE WORLD U.S.A- 538.000 RUSSIA - 321.000 FRANCE - 137.000 U.K. - 116.000 EES 6 Russia France rest of the world 2007 a Spanish fishing vessel was attacked 21,5% 17,3% expenditure by country U.S.A In next 10 countrles by pirates usingrenade launchers Percentages of worldwide military 43%uS 445 somali pirate attacks in U10 NUCLEAR BOMBS FIRST TESTED: UNITED STATES - 1945 RUSSIA - 1949 UNITED KINGDOM - 1952 FRANCE - 1960 CHINA - 1964 INDIA - 1974 NORTH KOREA - 2006 Somali pirates seized, 10 Ihostages in 2010 PIRACY WORLDWIDE South Ghina Sea Thailand Miger Betta GROUND WEAPONSELE Bomali Strait of Malacca ships attackes in 008 Singapore WORLDWIDE. Ar-15/ U.S.A. SAIGA / RUSSIA AKM/ IRAQ SA80 / U.K. SUccessful hijackings the Coast off Somalia FALM964/ BRA Best ways to prevent piracy: - Avoid encountering pirates with a radar FAMAS / FRANCE INSAS / INDIA - Warships - Maritime security solutions PIRACY Cost of war to the U.S.A alone since 2001: $1 trilion Worldwide annual losses due to pirate attacks: $16 billion

War v Piracy - Who Wins?

shared by AccuraCast on Jan 15
Cost of War to the USA alone between 2001-2011 was $1 Trillion (that's 12 zeroes!) Worldwide cost of piracy is $16 billion per year Keep things in perspective


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