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The Night of Syria

The night of Syria Teheran Caspian Sea Baku AZERBAIJAN IRAN Persian Gulf Tbilisi South.Ossétia |1240 Iraqi Kurdistan JAround Baghdad 20,000 IRAO 12,000 in Erevan Euphrates Northern Lebanon, 7,000 in Bekaa plain and 1,000 in Beirut suburbs RUSSIA 9352 GEORGIA, ARMENIA Abkhdzia AL-HASAKA DEIR EL-ZOR TURKEY Black Sea 5532 1349 Around SAUDI Şanliurfao 7276 AL-RAQQA 12,500 ARABIA Death-toll, day by day 400 АЦЕРРО Aleppo IDLIB НOMS Gaziantep . HAMA RIF DI DAMASCO Kiliso Homs 350 AL-SUWAYDA Hama TARTUS Reyhanli A kHatay | Latakią Apaydin Воупиуодиn Idlib Damasco March DAR'A rRamtha QUNEITRA Golan Heights April LEBANON 300 Tartus Amman May LATAKIA Siege of Hama Beirutol circa 1000 June JORDAN July August September Dead Sea Jerusalem Transjordan 250 Turkisk Republic of Northern Cyprus Nicosia October November December The Arab League suspends Syria 200 Mediterranean ISRAEL Siege of Homs - Russian and Chinese veto in the U Sea January February Gazà Strip 150 TURKEY March EGYPT April Cease-fire so CYPRUS 100 100 km Main religious community The rebellion Death-toll by province, from the onset of the protest until April 20 The humanitarian catastrophe Number Scale on close-up The international context 10 000 Main Syrian refugee Apaydin camps in Turkey of refugees Sunni Druze Military bases *information regarding Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Libya are rather scattered. For this map, we considered latest data provided by UNHCR on April 1sth 2012. The number of internal displaced people is estimated around 200,00o. 8 00 5 000 Russian Alawites Yazidi 6 000 * British Emergency camps in Turkey Main centres Hatay 1000 4 000 of insurrection US Cristians |2 000 --- 50 Souces: UNOSAT, Reliefweb, UNHCR, The Guardian,, International Red Cross, Wikipedia, Google Earth. DARIO INGIUSTO, MAPPING THE WORLD, 2012

The Night of Syria

shared by darcsaid on Jun 10
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A maps about political crisis in Syria, made in avril 2012.


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