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How to Set Up a Conducive Work From Home Environment

HOW TO SET UP A CONDUCIVE WORK AT HOME ENVIRONMENT A virtual assistant's guide to staying productive USE A SEPARATE ROOM AS OFFICE If possible, use a separate room as office. This office should be quiet/sound-proof so it can help you avoid distractions and help you focus on your tasks. This also sets up bounderies to separate your work and personal life. INVEST IN THE RIGHT TOOLS hings that will make work comfortable and more productive for you. Steady table, comfortable chair that effectively support your back, efficient home computer, good internet connection, noise-cancelling headsets, and up to date applications that make things faster for you to finish your tasks. SET REAL WORK HOURS Set your work hours around your determined productive time. Make sure that you only work on those times. Prep yourself by showering and dressing up in order to psyche yourself that you are at work. Schedule breaks. Stick to the schedule that you set to ensure work-life balance. AVOID DISTRACTIONS Digital devices can also distract you and lead you to procrastinate. Set up your devices so that you will not be distracted by personal notifications when at work. Keep your focus by scheduling the most important tasks so you can focus on that task only at that given time. WORK-LIFE BALANCE It's awesome that you have set up your workspace that ensures productivity. Make sure that you have set expectations with your family about this set-up so they understand. Once you leave the home office, leave the work there and keep yourself inspired by spending time with family and other self-care activities such as exercise, eating right eney P. and doing your hobbies. *-- Virtual Assistanch Sereces

How to Set Up a Conducive Work From Home Environment

shared by honeyletlaurele... on Nov 16
This infographic is made in order to help Work from Home Professionals such as Virtual Assistants with a guide to set up a conducive work from home environment to ensure their productivity.


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