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Why You Need to Hire A Party Wall Surveyor

02 Why You Need to Hire A Party Wall Surveyor lum ▬▬ 01 04 THE PURCHASE OF A NEW PROPERTY When buying a new home , a Party Wall Surveyor London may help you . Especially if you're thinking of doing anything that could have an influence on your next - door neighbor . DISPUTES ABOUT BOUNDARY LINES When it comes to owning a property , boundaries are an important factor , which is why you should always hire a Party Wall surveyor London . It's crucial that CH you respect your neighbours ' property whether you're building a fence , a footpath , or something else . 03 CARRYING OUT HOME IMPROVEMENTS Home improvements can take place both internally and externally but Party Wall advice London is always recommended is the work is going to affect or impact your neighbour . PARTY WALL SURVEYORS SAVE YOUR MONEY Making a work decision without consulting a surveyor can only lead to many issues . Legal difficulties and structural issues with all works are examples of this . Fortunately , you can save money by choosing to use a survey because it won't cost as much as you might expect to for a Party Wall survey . HIRE THE BEST PARTY WALL SPECIALIST LONDON When it comes to Party Walls then it's important that you seek advice and assistance from the best party wall surveyors in London . We Rellim Surveyors are RICS - qualified party wall surveyors who provide all types of party walls and other services . 0333 090 7598 71-75 Shelton Street , Covent Garden , WC2H 9JQ , Colchester , London

Why You Need to Hire A Party Wall Surveyor

shared by surveyorsrellim on Jun 15
Hiring a party wall surveyor is important to ensuring that your property is safe and secure. Party walls are the walls that are shared by two or more adjoining properties, and sometimes even roads and...


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