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When Sugar Bugs Attack - Explaining Dental Hygiene to Kids

WHEN SUGAR BUGS ATTACK!!! Explaining Dental Hygiene to Kids Getting your kid in the habit of brushing is one of the most important things you can do to establish a lifetime of good oral health. However, explaining the concept of cavities and tooth decay to a 5-year old isn't exactly the easiest conversation to have. Here are five things you can say to make everything simple and fun. EVERY TIME WE EAT, SUGAR BUGS GET IN OUR TEETH. OMG, DONUT! CANDY BARS! ICE CREAM! Tooth decay begins when food gets stuck in the inner corners of the teeth. By starting with this, you're setting up the importance of brushing with fluoride toothpaste. THEY EAT AWAY AT OUR TEETH AND FORM TINY BROWN HOLES. Simplifying the concept of cavities and explaining it on their level with kid-friendly Vocabulary will get them interested in taking care of their teeth and gums. THEY LOVE STICKY SWEETS LIKE DONUTS AND CANDY BARS. NOMNOMNOM! YUM! YUM! MMMMMMM! Food choices affect our oral health. Advise them to limit the intake of sugary foods and drinks. Instead, drink plenty of water and eat healthy snacks like raw veggies and plain yoghurt. THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE THEM RUN IS TO BRUSH TWICE A DAY WITH FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE. Sugar bugs can find their way in between teeth and hide. Explain to them that if they brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, the sugar bugs will be swept away. DENTISTS AND ORAL HEALTH THERAPISTS ARE OUR ALLIES! iii000000ON Stress that dentists and oral health therapists can help fight tooth decay and heal cavities, and they will soon recognise the dental office as a happy and positive place. CHOC Help your little one have a healthy smile by making dental hygiene fun. Visit or call (03) 9041 5301 to find out how we can help you keep him or her on a path toward great oral health. Coburg Hill Oral Care ... .... ...

When Sugar Bugs Attack - Explaining Dental Hygiene to Kids

shared by theadventurer on Jun 26
Cavities are the major causes of tooth decay in children. To help them become aware of the importance of good dental hygiene you need to explain it to them in a simple and fun way. Want to know how w...


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