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What You Should Know If Your Child Is Nearsighted

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW IF YOUR CHILD IS NEARSIGHTED ALL ABOUT. by the editors of VISION! Myopi-what? Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a very common problem that makes it hard to see things across the room and far away. Usually, myopia occurs because the eyeball grows too long during childhood. But there Normal eye Myopic eye are other causes, too. 1970s 2000s Why is my child nearsighted? 42% HEREDITY IS A FACTOR FOR MYOPIA, but not the only one. If both parents are nearsighted, there is a greater risk that their kids will be nearsighted, too. 25% More People Are Becoming Nearsighted In the early 1970s, only 25% of Americans were nearsighted. Today the prevalence of myopla in the U.S. is about 42%. VS Myopia is even more prevalent in Asia. In some countries, UP TO 80% OF THE POPULATION is myopic. Children who spend a lot of time engaged in near activities (reading, using hand-held electronics, etc.) appear to have a greater risk of becoming nearsighted. Research also shows SPENDING MORE TIME OUTDOORS LOWERS THE RISK of childhood myopia. So tell your kids to go outside and play! 80% Asia Progression The severity of nearsightedness is often categorized as: Mild Moderate High -0.25 to -3.0OD -3.25 to -6.00 D -6.25 D or higher The power of prescription lenses is measured in diopters (D). Lenses that correct myopia have a minus sign (-) before the power number. Complications CATARACTS: Most cataracts are associated with the aging process, so nearly everyone who lives long is at risk. But cataracts tend to develop sooner in nearsighted eyes. GLAUCOMA: Nearsighted people have a two to three For most nearsighted children, MYOPIA GRADUALLY WORSENS, so they need stronger glasses with thicker, heavier lenses year after year. times greater risk of glaucoma, according optic to an Australian nerve study. Glaucoma is usually due to high pressure in the eye, which damages the optic nerve and causes vision los. What you can do DETACHED RETINA: Nearsightedness increases the risk of Fortunately, new research is showing there may be ways to SLOW THE PROGRESSION OF MYOPIA in children. Ask your eye doctor for details - you might be able to keep your child's eyes from getting worse! retinal detachment - and the higher the myopia, the greater the risk. If the retina pulls away from the eye's supportive tissue, permanent vision loss can occur. Visit myopla.htm to learn more. Forreferences, please visit

What You Should Know If Your Child Is Nearsighted

shared by nicholebeebe3 on Sep 10
Is your child nearsighted? Here are the facts you need to know. (Some might surprise you!)


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