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What You Need to Know From Pregnancy to Baby Bonus

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW FROM PREGNANCY TO BABY BONUS D Private vs Public Health Services Private health systems give you the freedom to choose your preferred gynaecologist and hospital . In public services , however , you will likely see a different gynaecologist every time you visit the hospital . Understanding Prenatal Check - ups Hospitals and specialist clinics may offer prenatal packages where you will pay a fixed amount for all prenatal consultations and procedures . Difference Between Normal Delivery and C - Section Doctors only recommend c - section if you are suffering from existing health problems like high blood pressure which may cause complication during delivery . You will also have to go through c - section delivery if your infant is in a breech position . Compared to normal delivery cost in Singapore , c - sections are far more expensive . Maternity Insurance Investing in maternity insurance can help you protect the funds you have kept away for your baby's future in case an unfortunate event of pregnancy and delivery complications and congenital disease take place . Confinement Nanny You may need to consider hiring a confinement nanny if you are struggling through your second trimester . Alternatively , you can choose to DIY your confinement instead . What you need to know about your little one's vaccinations You may need to consider hiring a confinement nanny if you are struggling through your second trimester . Alternatively , you can choose to DIY your confinement instead . Baby bonus You will be rewarded with no - strings - attached cash upon your childbirth under the Baby Bonus scheme . You will get around SGD 8,000 for your first and second child and up to SGS 10,000 for your third child and higher . > O Pregnancy care and delivery may go way over your budget if you do not have a proper plan , so be sure to factor in your choices and expenses to avoid dealing with overbearing aftermath .

What You Need to Know From Pregnancy to Baby Bonus

shared by emilyteoenrui on Sep 30
This infographic provides essential information about pregnancy and the Baby Bonus scheme in Singapore.



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