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Debunking 6 Common Myths About Women’s Health

DEBUNKING 6 COMMON MYTHS ABOUT WOMEN'S HEALTH MYTH 1 : Heart disease doesn't affect women Many people associate heart disease as a man's disease , but that's not truly the case . In fact , any form of cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of women's disability and death across the globe.10 % of women will develop symptoms of diovascular disease between the ages of 45 and 64 . MYTH 2 : Wired bras cause breast cancer Doctors have negated this myth , saying that the fluids travel through the armpits . That said , the bra -- whether wired or not -- does not restrict movement and , therefore , does not cause internal damage or breast cancer . MYTH 3 : Women don't get kidney stones Although it is more common for men , women are still susceptible to developing this condition . Studies have shown that women usually get kidney stones at a mature age ( 50 years old and above ) . However , it is still entirely possible to develop this at a younger age . MYTH 4 : Morning sickness during pregnancy happens only in the morning Despite the name , this pregnancy symptom can occur any time during the day . The factors contributing to morning sickness include increased hormones , excessive tiredness , emotional stress , or travelling . MYTH 5 : Women can't get pregnant during their period Although the chances of conceiving during the first two days of menstruation are slim , it is still possible . In fact , research suggests that the likelihood of getting pregnant increases as your cycle progresses , even if you're still bleeding . MYTH 6 : Only girls need HPV vaccines Although HPV vaccination is recommended for girls at 11 or 12 years old , women can still get their vaccination until the age of 45.doctors recommend getting vaccinated immediately at Women's Clinic Singapore to reduce the risks of developing cervical cancer by 70 % to 80 % and other HPV - related diseases .

Debunking 6 Common Myths About Women’s Health

shared by emilyteoenrui on Jul 28
Make an informed decisions about your well-being. Read this six myths debunked about women’s health.



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