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Sleep Hygiene Hypnosis Tips

SLEEP HYGIENE GUIDELINES MORNING Aim to wake up at the same time each morning and go to bed at the same time each evening. This will help your body regulate its systems and promotes good health. When you wake up, get some natural light as soon as you can. This helps reset your internal clock and overcome any groggy feelings. DAYTIMΕ Eat healthy food at regular internals and take in some exercise. Moving your body can really help improve the quality and quantity of nighttime sleep. Check how much water you drink, so you are adequately hydrated. Avoid caffeine in the late afternoon and evening. EVENING Implement a relaxation period before bedtime. Don't relying on alcohol to get to sleep. Avoid exercise for two hours before bedtime. Ensure your bedroom looks and feels relaxing. Do you need to clean and declutter? Consider writing your thoughts in a journal. List some events from your day you enjoyed or for which you feel gratitude. NIGHTTIME Ensure your room is dark, cool and quiet. Is your mattress supportive and comfortable? Are pillows of good quality, clean and support your breathing and posture? Avoid using devices (bright screens) if you wake up during the night. Ensure clocks are turned away, so if you wake during night you won't 'watch the clock' and increase anxiety levels. WWW.JASONDEMANT.COM Adapted from: advice/sleep-hy.giene/ ----

Sleep Hygiene Hypnosis Tips

shared by jasonjason11 on Feb 27
Sleep hygiene is about those practices or habits which help you to sleep well on a regular basis. Think about what is conducive to fall asleep at night. Look at your bedroom. Is it relaxing? Notice li...


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