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Breast Cancer Early Detection Infographic

BREAST CANCER EARLY DETECTION 7 PRACTICAL TIPS These are 7 steps you can take to detect breast cancer early when it is most treatable. IF YOU'RE A WOMAN OVER 40, GET A MAMMOGRAM. Detecting breast cancer early can PROVIDE THE BEST CHANCE FOR A CURE. The American Cancer Society recommends that women begin their annual mammography screening at age 40. MAKE SURE YOU SEE AN EXPERT PROFESSIONAL Numerous studies show that DOCTORS WHO ARE MAMMOGRAPHY SPECIALISTS are more accurate at deciphering the images when compared with less experienced physicians. Have your mammogram read by a doctor whose specialty involves interpreting them. DON'T DELAY SCREENING DUE TO DISCOMFORT A MAMMOGRAM SHOULD NEVER BE PAINFUL. Fear of potential pain due to the exam is the top reason that women put off scheduling a mammogram. To lower discomfort, try to schedule the exam following your monthly period, when breast tissue is less sensitive. DON'T DELAY SCREENING DUE TO FEAR MOST ABNORMALITIES FOLLOWING A MAMMOGRAM ARE NOT CANCER. However, under certain circumstances, you may be asked to return for more testing to confirm if an area on the screening mammogram is normal. That's the likely reason for being asked for a follow-up examination. OPT FOR A AL MAMMOGRAPHY Centers that specialize in digital mammography ARE THE BEST OPTIONS FOR WOMEN with dense breast tissue and women under the ageof 50. Digital scans are more effective at detecting cancer in these women compared to traditional film mammography. MAKE SURE YOUR BREASTS FEEL NORMAL Your physician can demonstrate how you can do a breast self-exam IF YOU NOTICE ANY CHANGE IN YOUR BREASTS, such as a lump or swelling, skin irritation or dimpling, go and see your health care provider. BE AWARE OF YOUR RISK IF YOU HAVE FAMILY MEMBERS WHO HAVE HAD BREAST CANCER, especially a mother or sister, and if they had breast cancer before reaching menopause, alert your doctor. This may indicate that your own risk of cancer may be higher than average. Some women determined to be high risk may be recommended to undergo annual MRI screening in addition to a mammogram.

Breast Cancer Early Detection Infographic

shared by pratimapatil0627 on Jul 31
Detecting breast cancer early is critical for successful treatment. Here are seven practical tips you should consider about early breast cancer detection.


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