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7 Easy Ways to Maintain Good Oral Hygenie

EASY WAYS TTIII to maintain GOOD ORAL HYGIENE Oral hygiene starts at home. Use the following cleaning techniques regularly, and you won't dread that upcoming visit to the dentist! Brush twice (even thrice) per day Brush your teeth with a soft bristle brush in the morning and before bed. Better yet, add the occasional lunchtime scrub for even healthier teeth. Mouthwash try a daily antiseptic mouthwash This will keep cavity-causing bacteria under control. 3 Floss like a boss Aim for at least one daily floss session. Make sure you use a floss that's waxy enough for easy movement between your teeth. Sugar say "so long" to sugar This will keep cavity-causing bacteria under control. 5 Calcium get enough calcium Calcium is essential for healthy teeth, but realize that milk or a calcium supplement aren't enough; make sure you're also sufficient in Vitamin D, which helps the body MILK absorb nutrients like calcium. 6. Water drink plenty of water Water helps prevent excessive acid buildup, prevents dry mouth (a major catalyst of tooth decay) and aids in saliva production - all positives for proper oral hygiene. 7 Apples An apple a day keeps the cavities away In addition to brushing and flossing, eating fruits and veggies like apples (hard skin, crunchy texture) helps clean out debris and plaque between your teeth. Follow this "handful plus two" for better oral hygiene. Try them for a week or two in order to develop good habits - it's easier than you think. And a visit to your Dr. Dental dentist always helps! Schedule an appointment at any office location call us today at (877) 776-9833. Sources: Infographic Presented by: DR DENTAL Adult and KIDS Dentistry.. For Lessi

7 Easy Ways to Maintain Good Oral Hygenie

shared by DrDental on Apr 30
Oral hygiene starts at home. Use the following cleaning techniques regularly, and you won’t dread that upcoming visit to the dentist!


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