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Beyond Hangovers

Hangovels BEYOND Understanding alcohol's impact on your health Hangover • Hangover is the body's reaction to the toxicity of alcohol. • It is a collection of signs and symptoms linked to heavy alcohol consumption • The severity of a hangover is closely linked to how much alcohol was consumed. • It is impossible really to say how much alcohol can be safely consumed to avoid a hangover. What is alcohol? An alcoholic beverage is a drink and psychoactive drug containing ethyl alcohol, which is commonly referred to as ethanol. Why it is consumed? 91% 90% To have a good To celebrate time with friends 74% Because they like the taste 69% To relax or relieve tension *According to national college alcohol study in 2001(USA) The signs and symptoms of a hangover Fatigue Depression Headache Thirst Nausea Vomiting Hypothermia Unconsciousness Nutrients that deplete alcohol consumption Vitamin C Vitamin B Garlic extract Vtiamin E Selenium Glutathione Se cr Hangover cures around the world Germany Poland Pickled Herring Sour pickle juice Russia China Leafy birch branches Strong green tea Japan USA Pickled plums Tomato juice Romania Mexico Tripe soup shrimp Italy Netherlands co ffee Beer Health measures For Hangover Drink plenty of water Eat Bland foods to raise blood sugar Take Fructose containing food to boost metabolism Avoid pain killers and take good rest How alcohol is absorbed? Esophagus Drink enters the stomach and small intestine. 20% of alcohol is absorbed through the stomach 8 % is absorbed through the small intestine Upper Intestines 80% Stomach 20% lower Intestines Stats report on alcohol deaths based on disease *Stats Based on USA Recent studies estimate that alcohol and tobacco tog are responsible for: 80 65 0% of throat and mouth cancer in men o% of thro at and mouth cancer in Women 25. 30 7 out of 10 people with mouth cancer drink heavily to 0% of them suffering from liver cancers out of breast cancer sufferers may stem from al cohol. Health authorities advice on consumption: Definition of standard drink: Beer Malt liquor Table wine Hard liquor 5 fluid 8 to 9 fluid ounces APPROX ounces 30g 1.0 12 fluid ounces 1.5 fluid 10g ounces Standard 0.6 fluid ounces or Seer Drinks 14g of ALCOHOL about 5% alcohol about 7% alcohol about 12% alcohol about 40% alcohol The Percent of "pure" alcohol, expressed here as alcohol by volume (alc/vol). Varies by beverage Global stats on alcohol effects Diseases and Death rate Un intentional injuries 29.6% Neuropsychiatric disorders Liver cirrhosis 6.0% 16.6% 12.0% Intentional injuries Cancer 21.6% 14.0% Cardiovascular diseases - 2.5. The harmful use of alcohol results in million deaths each year in the World. 3,20,000, young people between the age of 15 and 29 die from alcohol-related causes, resulting in J% of all deaths in that age group in the world. Sources: le_longevityangovepievrchol-related-deaths-worldwide-annually report/msbgsruprofiles.pdf prevention_02.htm Designed by graphs. net

Beyond Hangovers

shared by alexa.morris.7547 on Aug 13
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Once hangover strikes, the primary thing to do are keeping your body well hydrated by consuming a lot of liquids. Eating food rich in fructose also helps. It is true that more than 90% of the peopl...


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