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Future Proof Library

THE FUTURE-PROOF LIBRARY The Extinction Timeline BlackBerries Russian Democracy Libraries Copyright Buckteeth Luckily, libraries and librarians are 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Extinct meeting these challenges head on, and According to Richard Watson's 'The Future Files', libraries will be extinct by 2019. From newer technologies to rising costs and budget cuts, public and academic libraries are facing serious challenges. preparing for the technological and demographic disruptions on the horizon. Cost of Serials Mass Retraining Language Progams Search Tools No Space Library Bookstores Academic Libraries Change in Median Library Budget Share, 1989-2009 Retirement Social Media Many librarians educated before the On average, ½ of all physical of Librarians Programs offered in languages other than English are on the rise. 83% >1% library materials NEVER circulate. Still, most physical space is dedicated to books. are in their 50s. A mass retirement event is spread of digital technologies are taking professional Over 40% of librarians Se Habla Espanol LIBRARY projected in the next few years. development courses. Availability of different types of social media enables libraries to Many libraries now operate "bookstores" where they sell materials that have not When starting a research project, 83% of students go to a search engine. Less than 1% start at their library website. 78% of libraries report that their number one language priority in program development is Spanish, with Asian languages second. 50% of the books at Indiana The cost of subscriptions to academic journals is rising and leaving a smaller share for salaries and books. University's Wells Library would have to be removed to meet code. publicize their events and services. circulated for some time or which have been donated. Public Libraries How Many Shades of Grey? Infomation Commons Open Access Funding Cuts The Digital Divide Librarian Sharing While eBooks are usually cheaper for the average reader, they can be prohibitively expensive for libraries. Libraries already offer internal "open access", providing free access to publications by a university's own faculty. These are multi-use facilities Sorry, We're CLOSED which emphasize community gathering spaces, computer work spaces, study rooms, etc. Got A Question? Open Access A 2011-2012 study showed that 23 states had cut funding to public libraries. Currently, 40% or more of states are cutting library funding annually. Rural libraries typically have fewer digital resources. Only Live Chat Now! Cuyahoga County Public Library in Cleveland, OH spent $23,400 on 300 ebook copies of Fifty Shades of Grey. That's $78 per book! Increasingly, reference librarians are remotely 'shared' across multiple Libraries are working to support broader open access, which will help manage library 17% of rural libraries can offer internet speeds higher than 10 mbps, compared to 54% of urban libraries. This encourages use of the library facility and resources. costs and curb the crisis of universities. serial publication pricing. Sources Presented by and_librarians webcheckout monographs -3% operating -2% salaries -7% serials +9%

Future Proof Library

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