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Digital Marketing Strategies 4 IMPORTANT TENETS OF DIGITAL MARKETING Content Digital Drive 360 Content is king when it comes to digital marketing . Creating high - quality content on your website or blog can help you attract more visitors and engage with them better than other forms of advertising such as paid ads or social media posts . Additionally , creating content regularly helps keep your website up - to - date and relevant which can improve its ranking in search engine results pages ( SERPs ) . SEO Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) involves optimizing your website so that it appears higher in SERPs for certain keywords related to your industry or product / service offering . This includes using meta tags , titles , descriptions and alt text correctly as well as ensuring the technical aspects are optimized properly such as page speed and mobile friendliness among others things .. By doing this effectively you can ensure that potential customers find you easily when they search online for what you offer Social Media Social media platforms like Facebook , Twitter and Instagram provide great opportunities for businesses to connect with their target audiences directly through engaging content while also building relationships with influencers who have large followings within those networks - both key components of successful digital marketing campaigns Analytics & Reporting Last but not least ; analytics & reporting are vital tools used by marketers today in order to measure how effective their strategies have been at achieving desired outcomes from campaigns run across various channels including websites & blogs etc. , allowing them make informed decisions about future investments into different areas based on data collected over time - something no marketer should overlook if they want long term success CONCLUSION DIGITAL MARKETING IS AN INVALUABLE TOOL FOR MODERN DAY BUSINESSES LOOKING TO GROW THEIR CUSTOMER BASE QUICKLY WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANK ON TRADITIONAL METHODS LIKE PRINT ADVERTISING ETC .. HOWEVER THERE ARE SOME KEY ELEMENTS INVOLVED WHICH MUST BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT IF ONE WISHES ACHIEVE MAXIMUM RETURNS FROM THESE EFFORTS - NAMELY CONTENT CREATION & OPTIMIZATION , SEO TACTICS , LEVERAGING SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS PLUS TRACKING PROGRESS VIA ANALYTICS REPORTS . ALL THESE TOGETHER FORM THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH ANY SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN RESTS

Digital Marketing Strategies

shared by funnelmedia51 on Mar 18
Introducing the 4 Digital Marketing Tenets - a comprehensive digital marketing course designed to help you succeed in today's competitive online landscape. This course covers all of the essential stra...


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