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The Darwinian Evolution of Microsoft Windows

The Darwinian Evolution of Microsoft Windows 1985 Windows COLORES.A E . EHEL 1.01 ais will nd v d sessian. MICROSOFT. The first independent version of Microsoft Windows, version 1.8, BA released on 20 November 1985, achieved 1ittle popularity. Windows 1.0 was not a complete operating system, but rather an "operating environment" that extended MS-DOS, and shared the latter's inherent flaws and problems. Microsoft Hindows Version 1.81 The first version of Microsoft Windows included a simple graphics painting program called Windows Paint, Windows processor, an appointment "calendar", a "cardfiete, a simple word "clock", a "control panel", a "computer terminal", "Clipboard", and , a "notepad", a RAM driver. It also included the MS-DOS Executive and a game called Reversi. The Apple "problem": Chapter I. Microsoft had worked with Apple Computer to develop several Desk Accessories and other minor pieces of software that were included with early Macintosh system sof tware. As part of the related business negotiations,, Microsoft had licensed certain aspects of the Macintosh user interface from Apple; in later litigation, a district court summarized these aspects as "screen displays". In the development of Windows 1.0. Microsoft intentionally limited its borrowing of certain GUI elements from the Macintosh user interface, in order to comply with its license. 1987 Windows ater gea Itei Liste Sonst optionen DE 2.03 IF C.TXT LAGE.EXE JURE .FON TPAINT.EXE LUE FOM PAINT PIFED RECHNI REISE REVER Microsoft ROMAN Microsoft WindOws version 2 came out on 9 December 1987, and proved slightly more popular than its predecessor. Much of the popularity for Windows 2.8 cane by way of its inclusion as a "run-time version" with Microsoft's new graphical applications, Excel and Word for Windows. Microsoft HindowS Version 2.83 Versions 2.8x used the real-mode memory model, which confined it to a A maximum of 1 megabyte of memory. In such a configuration, it could run under another multitasker like DESQview, which used the 286 Protected Mode. Copyright (e) Microsoft Corporațion, 1987. All Rights Beserved. Microsoft is a revistered trademark of Microsoft Coro, RE Later, two new versions were released: Windows/286 2.1 and Windows/386 2.1. Like previous versions of Windows, Windows/286 2.1 used the real- mode memory model, but was the first version to support the High Memory Area. The Apple "problem": Chapter II. Version 2.03 faced challenges from Apple over its overlapping windows and other features Apple charged mimicked the ostensibly copyrighted "look and feel" of its operating system and "embodie[d] and generated a copy of the Macintosh" in its 0S. Judge William Schwarzer dropped all but 10 of Apple's 189 claims of copyright infringement, and ruled that most of the remaining 10 were over uncopyrightable ideas. 1990 Windows Paintbrush 3.0 Options rdtle Calendar O Microsoft Windows scored a significant success with Windows 3.0. relea- sed in 1998. In addition to improved capabilities given to native applications, Windows also allowed users to better multitask older MS-DOS based software compared to Windows/386, thanks to the introduction of virtual memory. Windows 3.8's user interface was finally a serious competitor to the user interface of the Macintosh computer. Windows" Windows 3.8 could run in Real, Standard, or 386 Enhanced modes, and was compatible with any Intel processor from the 8086/8088 up to the 88286 and 88386. This was the first version to run Windows programs in pro- tected mode, although the 386 enhanced mode kernel was an enhanded version of the protected mode kernel in Windows/386. Version 3.0 The features listed above and growing market support fron application software developers made Windows 3.0 wildly successful, selling around 10 million copies in the two years before the release of version 3.1. Windows 3.0 became a major source of income for Microsoft, and led the company to revise some of its earlier plans. It was discontinued on 31 December 2881. 1992 Windows FOaddons FO dos 3.1 win31 A In response to the impending release of 05/2 2.0, Microsoft developed Windows 3.1, which included several minor improvements to Windows 3.0 (such as display of TrueType scalable fonts, developed jointly with Apple), but primarily consisted of bugfixes and multimedia support. Later Microsoft also released Windows 3.11, a touch-up to Windows 3.1 which included all of the patches and updates that followed the release of Windows 3.1 in 1992. MICROSOFT. WINDOWS. Around the same time, Microsoft released Windows for Workgroups (WfW), 3 which was available both as an add-on for existing Windows 3.1 insta- llations and in a version that included the base Windows environment and the networking extensions all in one package. Windows for Work- groups included improved network drivers and protocol stacks, and support for peer-to-peer networking. One optional download for WfW was the "Wolverine" TCP/İP protocol stack, which allowed for easy access to the Internet through corporate networks. Version 3.1 In the meanwhile... Microsoft continued to develop Windows NT. The main architect of the system was Dave Cutler. one of the chief architects of VMS at Digital Equi pment Corporation (later purchased by Compaq, now part of Hewlett-Packard). Microsoft hired him in August 1988 to create a successor to OS/2, but Cutler created a completely new system instead. 1993 Windows NT C IMS DOS_6) Oniete Dding wav Ddoepimpt pit note Dducker.wni D aegypten bmp Odwatson eie Opac akkord way ledit pl arwendun.gpDemm386.exe D. Darkaden brgDescher bap pbru Dsvstem 3.1 Windows NT 3.1 (Microsoft marketing wanted Windows NT to appear to be a continuation of Windows 3.1) arrived in Beta form to developers. Microsoft announced at the conference its intentions to develop a successor to both Windows NT and Windows 3.1's replacement (Windows 95. code-named Chicago), which would unify the two into one operating system. This successor was codenamed Cairo. Parts of Cairo have still not made it into Windows as of 2009 - specifically, the WinFS file system, which was the much touted Object File System of Cairo. MICROSOFT. WINDOWSNT. E One of Microsoft's biggest advances initially developed for Windows NT was a new 32-bit API, to replace the legacy 16-bit Windows API. This API was called Win32, and from then on Microsoft referred to the older 16-bit API as Win16. The Win32 API had three main implementations: one for Windows NT, one for Win32s (which was a subset of Win32 which could be used on Windows 3.1 systems), and one for Chicago. Thus Microsoft sought to ensure some degree of compatibility between the Chicago design and Windows NT, even though the two systems had radically diffe- rent internal architectures. Windows NT was the first Windows operating system based on a hybrid kernel. 1995 nkey 1.1.4 ॐ Windows NT Wr.U. WalT3S1-US. poros02 SeMahe 14 3.51 A The WindowS NT Workstation 3.5 release provided the highest degree of protection yet for critical business applications and data. Wi th support for the OpenGL graphics standard, this operating system helped high-end applications for software development, engineering. financial analysis, scientific, and business-critical tasks. WINDOWSNT WORKSTATION The release of Windows NT 3.51 was dubbed "the PowerPC release" at Microsoft. The original intention was to release a PowerPC edition of NT 3.5, but according to Microsoft's David Thompson, "we basfcally sat around for 9 months fixing bugs while we waited for IBM to finish the Power PC hardware", Editions of NT 3.51 were also released for the x86, MIPS, and Alpha architectures. New features introduced in Windows NT 3.51 include PCMCIA support. NTFS file compression, replaceable WinLogon (GINA), 3D support in OpenGL persistent IP routes when using TCPŽIP, automatic display of textual descriptions when the mouse pointer was placed on toolbar buttons ("tooltips") and support for Windows 95 conmon controls. Version 351 o Micronot Catpxutioe tS 1995 Windows 95 Shy Dovn. Start My Compule కర్మి N Windows 95 is a consuner-oriented graphical user interface-based opera- ting system. It was released on August 24, 1995 by Microsoft, and was a significant progression from the company's previous Windows products. During development it was referred to as Windows 4.0 or by the internal codename Chicago. Microsoft Windows 5 Wfndows 95 Integrated Microsoft's formerly separate MS-DOS and Windows products. It features significant improvements over its predecessor Windows 3.1, most notably in the graphical user interface (GUI) and in its simplified "plug-n-play" features. There were also major changes made at lower levels of the operating system, such as moving from a mainly 16-bit architecture to a pre-emptively multitasked 32-bit archt- tecture. A In the marketplace, WindoOws 95 was a major success, and within a year or two of its release had become the most successful operating system ever produced. It also had the effect of driving other major players in the DOS-conpatible operating system market out of business, sonething which would later be used in court against Microsoft. Some three years after introduction, Windows 95 was succeeded by Windows 98. How many floppy disks did Windows 95 come on? .. Thirteenl! And those were thirteen of those special Distribution Media Format floppies, which are specially formatted to hold more data than a normal 1.44MB floppy disc. The high-capacity fLopptes reduced the floppy caunt by two, which resulted in a tremendaus savings in cost of manufacturing and shipping (It sure there are the conspiracy-minded folks who think that DMF was invented as an anti-piracy measure. 1t wasn't: It vas a way to reduce the number of flappy disks. That the disks were difficult to copy was a side-effect, not a design goal.) (For comparison. Windows 3.1 cane on stx floppies. Windows NT 3.1 came on twenty-tHo. And yesterday, one of my colleagues reminded me that Windows NT setup asked for the floppy disks out of order! I guess it never occurred to them that they could renumber the disks.) 1996 Windows NT Newo Neighbahood 4.0 Microsoft Ceign 6-190 Miarosut Carpoation A The most noticeable difference from Windows NT 3.51 15 that Windows NT 4.0 has the user interface of Windows 95, Including the Windows Shell. Windows Explorer (known as WindowS NT Explorer), and the use of "Hy" nomenclature (e.g. My Computer). It also includes most applications introduced with Windows 95. Internally, Windows NT 4.8 was Shell Update Release (SUR). the The server editions of Windows NT 4.8 include a built-in web server, Internet Information Services version 2.0. It also natively supported FrontPage Server Extenstons. Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Other important features included with this release were Microsoft Transaction Server for network applications, and Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ). which improved interprocess comunication. 1998 Windows Mippaot Windows98 Wndom Upd 98 Registe New Cannect ta the Internet iscover Wiedows On 25 June 1998, Microsoft released Windows 98 (code-named Henpis). It included new hardware drivers and better support for the FAT32 file system which allows support for disk partitions larger than the 2 GB maximum accepted by Windows 95. A The USB support in Windows 98 is far superior to the token, unreliable support provided by the OEM editions of Windows 95. It also intagrated the Internet Explorer browser into the Windows GUI and WindowS Explorer file manager. Microsoft Windows98 In 1999, Microsoft released Windows 98 Second Edition, an interim release. One of the more notable new features was the addition of Internet Connection Sharing, which was a form of network address trans- lation, allowing several machines on a LAN (Local Area Network) to share a single Internet connection. Second Edition was also much easier to use and much snoother than the first edition of Windows 98. Hardware support through device drivers was increased. Many minor problems present in the original Windows 98 were found and fixed which nake it, according to sany, the most stable release of Windows 9x family. 2000 Windows My Docmente My Computer My Neho Maces 2000 More than just the upgrade to Windows NT Workstation 4.6, Windows 2000 Professional was also designed to replace Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 on all business desktops and laptops. Built on top of the proven Windows NT Workstation 4.0 code base, Windows 2000 added major improvements in reliability, ease of use, Internet compati- bility, and support for mobile computing. It was successfully deployed both on the server and the workstation markets. Amongst Windows 2000's most significant new features was Active Directory, a near-complete replacement of the NT 4.8 Windows Server domain madel, which built on industry-standard technologies like DNS, LDAP, and Kerberos to connect machines to one another. Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional A number of features from Windows 98 were incorporated as welu, such as an improved Device Manager, Windows Media Player, and a revised DirectX that made it possible for the first time for many modern games to work on the NT kernel, Windows 2000 is also the last NT-kernel Windows operating system to lack Product Activation. Built on NT Technology 2000 Windows 2000 Me S Shut Down. Astart A In September 2000, Microsoft introduced Windows Me (Millennium Edi- tion), which upgraded Windows 98 with enhanced multimedia and Internet features from Windows 2000. It also introduced, the first version of System Restore, which allowed users to revert their system state to a previous "known-good" point in the case of system failure. The first verston of Windows Hovie Maker was introduced as well. Microsoft Windows/Me Windows Me was conceived as a quick one-year project that served as a stopgap release between WindowS 98 and Windows XP. Many of the new features were available from the Windows Update site as updates for older Windows versions, (System Restore and Windows Movie Maker were exceptions). As a result, WindowS Me was not acknowledged as a unique operating system along the 1ines of 95 or 98. Millennkim Edition Windows Me was the last operating system to be based on the Windows 9x (monolithic) kernel and MS-DOS. As the final release of the 9x line it did not include Product Activation. 2001 Windows XP With the release of Windows XP in October 2801, Microsoft nerged its two Windows operating system lines for consumers and businesses, uni- ting them around the Windows 2000 code base. The "XP" in Windows XP stands for "experience," symbolizing the innova- tive experiences that Windows can offer to personal computer users. With Windows XP, hone users can work with and enjoy music, movtes, messaging, and photos with their computer, while business users can work smarter and faster, thanks to new technical-support technology, a fresh user interface, and many other improvements that make 1t easier to use for a wide range of tasks. Microsofte WindowsXP Professional Windows XP Professional brings the solid foundation of WindowS 2980 to the PC desktop, enhancing reliability, security, and performance. With a fresh visual design, Windows XP Professional includes features for business and advanced home computing, including remote desktop support. an encrypting file system, and system restore and advanced networking features. Key enhancements for mobile users include wireless 882.1x networking support, Windows Messenger, and Remote Assistance. 2006 Windows Vista Windows Vista intended to have enhanced securfty by introducing a new restricted user mode called User Account Control, replacing the "administrator-by-default" philosophy of WindoWS XP One sajor difference between Vista and earlier versions of Windows. Windows 95 and later, is that the original start button was replaced with just the Windows icon. Windows Vista N Vista also features new graphics features, the Windows Aero GUI, new applications (such as Windows Calendar, Windows DVD Maker and some new ganes including Chess, Mahjong, and Purble Place), Internet Explorer 7, Windows Media Player 11, and a large number of underlying architectural changes. Windows Vista ships in six editions:Starter (only available in develo- ping countries), Home Basic, Home Premium, Bustness, Enterprise (only available to large businesses and enterprises). Ultimate (conbines both Home Premium and Enterprise). A ALl editions (except Starter edition) are çurrently available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The biggest advantage of the 64-bit version is breaking the 4 gigabyte memory barrier, which 32-bit computers cannot fully access. 2009 Windows Windows 7 is the latest release of Microsoft, it was released to manufacturing on July 22, 2009, and reached general retail availability on October 22, 2009, less than three years after the release of its predecessor, Windows Vista. Windows 7's server counterpart, Windows Server 2068 R2. was released at the same time. Unlike its predecessor, Windows Vista, which introduced a large nunber of new features, Windows 7 was intended to be a more focused, Incremen- tal upgrade to the Windows line, with the goal of being compatible with applications and hardware which Windows Vista wasn't at the time. Starting Windows Presentations given by Microsoft in 2008 focused on multi-touch support, a redesigned Windows shell with a new taskbar, referred to as the Superbar, a home networking system called HomeGroup, and performance fmprovenents. Some standard applications that have been included with prior releases of Microsoft Windows, including Windows Calendar, Windows Matl, Windows Movie Maker, and Windows Photo Gallery, are not included in Windows 7;(9][10] most are Instead offered separately at no charge as part of the Windows Live Essentials suite. ART> RICARDO-CAVOLD + Sources rechking of Ntcrosoft_Windows http://wM.techj microsoft-an-infographic.html POWERED TESTKING

The Darwinian Evolution of Microsoft Windows

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This infographic provides a timeline and a brief description of Microsoft through the years and through each development to show how it's evolved and grown. It also provides visuals for how the look o...


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