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The Value of Who You Know

THE VALUE OF "WHO YOU KNOW" HOW MUCH ARE YOUR CONTACTS WORTH? $20,000 $17,000 %24 Business Contacts Average Estimated Worth Personal Contacts Average Estimated Worth 48% 33% AND One-third say that their Yet, half of online American adults still store their contact contacts are Out of date. information in a paper address book. OUT O DATE CONTACT VALUE CURVE The average value people put on business contacts increases with age-until retirement. $27,000 $22,000 $20,000 $14,000 Age 18-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55+ THE PAIN OF MANAGING AND UPDATING 30% 30 percent of people agree it is difficult to keep up. 1 in 3 people feel that 25 percent of their contacts are out of date. But it's most difficult for people with young kids: 40% percent of those with children under 6 years old in their home VS. 26% percent without children under 18 in the home. say their contacts are Out of date PULLING IT TOGETHER 77% 50% The most popular way for people to store contacts is via their mobile phone (77 percent), but almost 50 percent of adults still have a paper address book. Because contact info is typically scattered across multiple locations: in SMS Email SMS Messages Phone Calls Facebook Twitter Linkedin 6 in 10 people would find it useful to have an automated address book. smartr *Based on two surveys among 2,026 adults ages 18 and older with both business and personal contacts. smartr TM SOURCES: XOBNI CONDUCTED BY HARRIS INTERACTIVE

The Value of Who You Know

shared by judithgold on Dec 28
Your business and personal contacts can be of value to you. This infographic explains how contacts can be valuable and how to manage and organize your contacts.




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