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Types of Agreements

Free Commercial Lease Agreement Template MIKETEMPLATES.COM Background A. This is an agreement ( The Agreement ) to let commercial real property according to the terms set out below . B. The Landlord , the Tenant and the Premises are as set out in Schedule 1 of this Agreement . C. Collectively , the Landlord and Tenant will be referred to as " The Parties " . IN CONSIDERATION OF the Landlord letting and the Tenant renting the Premises , both parties agree to keep , perform and fulfil the following promises , conditions and agreements : Term 1. The Term of this Agreement will start at 12.00 noon on the Lease Start Date and end at 12.00 noon on the Lease End The Lease t Date and L e End Date out in Schedule 1 . 2. Tenant shall notify Landlord in advance of any anticipated extended absences from the Premises . 3. Prior to the Lease End Date , the Parties may , in writing , agree to extend the Term of this Agreement . Commercial Use Only 4. The Landlord agrees to lease the Premises to the Tenant for use as a commercial premises only . The tenant undertakes not to use it for any other purpose including , but not limited to using it as a residential home . Rent 5. The amount of Rent . Rent Per Square Foot and Rent Payment Details are set out in Schedule 1 . 6. The Rent will increase on an annual basis at the rate set out in Schedule 1 . 7. The first full Rent payment under this Agreement shall be due on the Lease Start Date specified in Schedule 1. No holidays , special events , or weekends shall excuse Tenant's obligation to pay timely rent as described by this Agreement . 8. The Landlord may amend the Rent Payment Details from time to time by giving the Tenant 7 days ' notice . 9. For any payment that is not paid within one day of its due date , Tenant shall pay a late fee equal to one twentieth ( 1/20 ) of the price of a monthly Rent payment . Holdover 10. If Tenant maintains possession of the Premises for any period after the termination of this lease ( henceforth . the ' Holdover Period ' ) . Tenant shall pay to the Landlord lease payment ( s ) during the Holdover Period at a rate equal to 150 % of the normal payment rate from the last rent period under this Agreement , pro - rated based on the actual number of holdover days . Utilities 11. The Landlord shall be responsible for paying and maintaining provision of all utilities under this Agreement . Free Hold Harmless Agreement Template Production Company Name : Address : Contact Name : Email : Production Title : Motion Pictures / Features 0 Commercial Photography 0 Education The undersigned Production Company has requested a filming permit from Clackamas County for the limited purpose of Phone : Television Documentary Others Signature : Company : Dates of Filming From : Time of Day : From : am / pm to : Title 0 The undersigned is required to provide a Release and Hold Harmless Agreement from and defend against any and all claims , lawsuits or other liability arising from as a result of the activity , event or use relating to the permitted activity . The undersigned acknowledges and affirms that the County has agreed to permit such activity subject to condition and requirements outlined in the permit application and guidelines and as follows : Permittee shall agree to , and does hereby agree to indemnify , defend and hold harmless , the County , its Commission , agents , officials and employees from and against any and all claims , loss , liability , damages , costs and expenses , including , but not limited to , any and all liability for damage to property and / or any and all liability for personal injury or death as a result of the activity , event or use provided for in this Permit and / or as a result of participation in or attendance at the activity , event or use provided for in the Permit , caused by the negligent acts , errors , or omissions of the Permittee , its agents , subcontractors , or employees , or others , regardless of whether or not permittee alleges such claim , loss liability , damage , cost or expense , is cause or contributed to , in part , by the County . Printed Name : Title : to : STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS This instrument was acknowledged before me on this 0 Music Video 0 Com cial am / pm day of MRTTEMPLATEL.COM , 20 by 1 . 2 . State of : [ STATE ] This LCC Operating Agreement ( " Agreement " ) is entered into on the [ INSERT DATE ] between [ INSERT NAMES OF MEMBERS ] ( each a " Member " and collectively referred to as the " Members " ) . The parties agree as follows : Introductory Provisions Name : The Name of the Company shall be [ COMPANY NAME ] ( the " Company " ) . Principle Place of Business : The Company's principal place of business shall be at [ ADDRESS ] . Free LLC Operating Agreement Template 3 . Purpose : The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which a Limited Liability Company may be formed within the State of [ STATE ] . Registered Agent [ AGENT NAME ] is the Company's initial registered agent . The registered office is [ ADDRESS ] . Term : The term of the Company commences on [ DATE ] and shall continue until dissolved pursuant to this Agreement . MIKETEMPLATES.COM 6. Limitation of Liability : The liability of each Member and employee of the Company shall be limited to the fullest extent provided by law . 7 . Names and addresses of Members : The Member's names and addresses are attached as Exhibit 1 to this Agreement . 8 . Fiscal Year : The fiscal year of the Company shall end on [ DAY OF THE YEAR ] . Membership Interests and Voting 9 . Members : The Members are those identified in Exhibit 1. For all purposes within this Agreement , references to Exhibit 1 shall mean Exhibit 1 as may be modified from time to time to reflect changes in Members , Units , and contributions . 10. Classification of Membership Interests : The Company is authorized to issue [ MEMBERSHIP UNITS ] membership units of Class A Voting Capital ( " Voting Capital " ) to the voting Members ( " the Voting Members " ) . The Voting Members have the right to vote in proportion to their respective Percentage Voting Interest ( " PVI " ) . The PVI shall be calculated by dividing the individual Member's Voting Capital by the total Voting Capital . b . The Company may issue [ MEMBERSHIP UNITS ) membership units of Class A Nonvoting Capital ( " Nonvoting Capital " ) to the Members who have no right to vote on any matters . Each Membership unit issued shall be referred to as a " Unit " . The membership interests and class are included in Exhibit 1 .

Types of Agreements

shared by mikebestow on Aug 26
An agreement, in its simplest form, is a mutual understanding between two or more parties regarding a particular matter. It doesn't necessarily have to be a formal written document; agreements can be ...


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