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The Ghostbusters Guide to Management

THE GHUSTBUSTERS GUIDE TO MANÁGEMENT You have probably seen Ghostbusters a number of times without realizing how some of the principles presented in the film can be applied to management. Well they can-and here they are. All you managers, it's time to take your cues from Peter, Raymond, Egon, and Louis. ECTO-I DON'T BE AFRAID TO CROSS STREAMS "Excuse me, Egon, you said crossing the streams was bad." No matter how much they may try, managers just can't do everything on their own. Sometimes is takes multiple “Proton Packs" of effort tosolve a problem. Don't be afraid to merge your forces with others who can help you-it's better to actually solve the problem with their help than struggle trying to do it all on your own. KEEP YOUR GHOSTS CONTAINED "This is where we put all the vapors and entities and slimers that we trap." Every manager has recurring issues that haunt them, making it difficult to focus on the tasks they actually need to do. In order to keep a steady workflow these recurring problems must be identified and contained as quickly as possible-and when they rear their ghastly heads again don't be afraid to focus all your energy on containing them. GO WITH YOUR GUT "Beautiful. You're hired. Ray Stantz, Pete Venkman. Congratulations." You've been given your job as a manager for a reason.You are a trusted leader and decisionmaker. In the same way the Ghostbuster's hired Winston off the cuff, managers mustn't be afraid to go with their gut. And once your decision is made don't second guess it-unless it just won't stop haunting you. GET APPROVAL FROM YOUR HIGHER-UPS "Try to understand. This is a high-voltage laser containment system. Simply turning it off would be like dropping a bomb on the city." Sometimes we like to operate on our own accord without securing approval from supervisors. The Ghostbusters could have easily requested a permit for their activities before they began their operation, and avoided the wrath of Peck and the subsequent release of thousands of ghosts. So even if you are doing something for the greater good, if it's against protocol, it may not fly. Of course you want to prove yourself and hit a homerun for the company, but make sure your activities are kosher before you start. NEGATIVE ATTITUDES CREATE A RIVER OF SLIME "You get enough negative energy flowing in a dense environment like Manhattan, it starts to build up, and if we don't do something fast this whole place will blow like a frog on a hotplate." In the same way that a river of slime is created by negative Manhattanites, negativity will poison an office and create a toxic environment for everyone. As a manger, it's imperative to do all you can to keep morale up and infuse some positivity into the workplace. DON'T SHY AWAY FROM ASKING TOUGH QUESTIONS "What? What just popped in there?" What did you do, Ray?!" A manager must be able to ask the hard questions. Oftentimes the potential answers cause us to freak out, but if we never ask we may never be pleasantly surprised by the outcome-as in the case of Ray conjuring up Mr. Stay-Puft instead of a nasty demon of some sort. MIND OVER MARSHMALLOW MATTER "I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never, ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay Puft." As a manager you get thrown all kinds of curveballs and scary projects involving problems that seem nearly impossible to fix. But if there's a will there's a way. When faced with a challenge that Ray could have been overwhelmed by, he insteadthinks quickly and conjures the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Take our cues from Ray: Visualize your problems as challenges that can be conquered, and you will conquer them. BE A CHEERLEADER FOR YOUR EMPLOYEES "We came, we saw, we kdcked its a** !" Loud chants, hoots, and hollers, and general silliness can boost morale in a matter of seconds and show your employees that you don't take yourself too seriously. So when your team kills its proverbial Mr. Stay Puft, show your enthusiasm and offer congratulations. Even the smallest bit of encouragement goes a long way, and will give an incentive for your employees to perform well the next time. SOURCE: Www.MYTHS.COM

The Ghostbusters Guide to Management

shared by ColumnFive on Nov 01
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You have probably seen Ghostbusters a number of times without realizing how some of the principles presented in the film can be applied to management. Well they can — and here they are. All you mana...


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