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Evolutive Branding

EVOLUTIVE BRANDING WHO AM 1? WHAT IS MY PURPOSE? SPIRIT MIND Your brand is a reflection and BODY SPIRITUAL an extension of who you are. EMOTIONAL MENTAL Through experiences this reflection becomes a perception. Your brand may have corporate identity, mental identity and spiritual identity and they together transmit your present perception about your own personal identity. PHYSICAL At the end your brand is not what you say or think about it, it's what other people perceive through direct or indirect experiences they have related to your brand. This perception is what we think and feel about a: 31 PERSON •... • PRODUCT SERVICE •..... PLACE ...... EVENT FIND YOUR PURPOSE These thoughts and feelings are expresed as a story that could inspire A story where you are an essential part of a bigger system that we can't perceive yet, a story where we aren't only individual beings but also One community at the same time. If a brand message has deep meaning to you then it resonates with what you are, and if the message is more about empowering you and less about the brand itself then the way houw you feel may inspire other people as well. WE'RE CONNECTED And this story can be transmitted to many people locally and globally BUT BEFORE THIS PERCEPTION BECOMES AN INSPIRING STORY WE SHOULD UNDERSTAND OUR LIMITS AND FILTERS FOR HUMAN PERCEPTION LEARN MORE AT BYGATO.COM .......

Evolutive Branding

shared by francovg on May 13
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Branding and Evolution are mixed to help us create the conditions for our next step as ONE human organism


Franco Vargas Golac


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