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Employee Retention Strategies!

Why Employee Retention? It's evident that retaining employees is good, but the full impact of retention is often not recognized. Highly engaged employees are happy and enthusiastic about their work and also they have a positive impact on their teams. Top 4 Reasons Why Employee Retention is so Important Turnover is Veteran Employees Expensive Add Value Experienced employees should feel they are valued and respected. It costs more to replace an employee than meets the eye. Bad Hires Your Competitors Benefit Directly. Hurt Morale Hiring the right employee improve employee retention rates. When a talented employee quits, you run the risk of him ending up working for your competitor. People Analytics to the Rescue > Know the headcounts, turnover & retention rate. > Use HR Predictive analytics to address the future. > Forecast the risk of employee exits. > Identify exit drivers and address them. > Use recruitment analytics. 0000 00000

Employee Retention Strategies!

shared by SplashBI on Mar 23
Highly engaged employees are happy and enthusiastic about their work and also they have a positive impact on their teams. Know the top 4 reasons why employee retention is important!


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