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Cultivating Talent

CULTIVATING TALENT USING THE SKINNY RESUME® SOLUTION. US Population Growth by Age Group in Millions Under 20 - Working Age, 20-64 65 and over 2.5 The Baby 2.0 Boom The Boomers Retire 1.5 10x 10x 1.0 2013 0.5 0.0 The Baby Bust (0.5) (1.0) 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 The Talent Pool is Shrinking of employers struggle to fill 49% critical positions while According to population data projected by the U.S. Social Security administration, the sheer number of qualified individuals to fill roles is diminishing. facing a 40% loss of talent by 2016 40% FINDING, HIRING AND KEEPING TALENT IS BECOMING MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER Resume Screening is Not a Strategy. 53% of resumes contain falsified information. of resumes contain misleading 78% The competition for acquiring talent is fierce, and candidate resume submissions can be information. unsuitable, lack the experience necessary and even contain misleading and embellished information. Rather than sift through hundreds of resumes containing the applicant's version of the truth, try using objective measurement. of employers reported hiring 79% employees with mismatched skill sets due to reliance on resumes. PIVOT YOUR HIRING STRATEGY from checking credentials to identifying potential. Traditional hiring methods rely heavily on resumes as the foremost recruitment tool. Although resumes are important to gain tactical information about a candidate, resumes cannot determine how a person will perform on the job. 92% of best-in-class companies use assessments to improve workplace performance. When appropriately matched to the job, behavioral and cognitive assessments are the best predictors of superior job performance. Identify high potential employees PREDICT SUCCESS USING THE Match high potentials to job demands SKINNY RESUME Proper job fit creates engages employees PROCESS Establish the criteria for a successful candidate. Define the behaviors and cognition necessary for an individual to perform successfully in the job. Compare candidates' individual behavior and cognitive assessment results to needs of the job. Interview for Choices - attitude, values, commitment to excellence. IN MANY CASES, THE SKINNY RESUME IS THE BEST CHOICE The odds of finding the right candidate using one assessment is just over 50% The odds of finding the right candidate using TWO assessments is 84%. Predict success using genetic assessments. Find the right candidates who will naturally excel in their job. Using the Predictive Index® and Professional Learning IndicatorT, objective and validated data helps you predict on-the-job performance of any individual versus the demands of the job. CONTACT US FOR YOUR SKINNY RESUME DEMO 800.713.8344 +1.480.423.5222 PREDICTIVEGROUP PLI Professional Learning Indicator" (PA Predictive Index® System TM 53%

Cultivating Talent

shared by csullivan on Mar 29
Traditional hiring strategy relies heavily on resumes as to gain information about candidates. Resumes, however, cannot determine how a person will perform on the job. Using assessments, you more th...


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