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Chatbot Infographic 7

01 ( 02 03 04 05 06 WHAT IS A facebook MESSENGER MARKETING BOT ? » EXPOSURE When Facebook combines Messenger , WhatsApp , and Instagram , its audience will be a combined 2.7 billion . Imagine advertising to everyone on that platform , and being able to respond individually to everyone who expresses interest . NO DOWNLOADS No one wants to install yet another app . Chat users already use social features to share . Have a dress code ? Have a catch of the day menu ? Cultivate your own brand evangelists . ● En ● Don't you love it when a plan ● SHARING comes together ? ● ● ● CONVENIENCE Restaurant bots can present menus Real Estate bots can connect with MLS Mortgage bots can prequalify a home buyer Food Truck bots can advertise their • Announce your trivia contest and encourage teams ● daily location Retail bots can display a catalog REFERRALS . Don't make customers give out their phone or email to get that info Keep it current on your bot ● Imagine your dinner coupon shared among friends Release a coffee shop coupon to your subscriber list ● ● CUSTOMER SATISFACTION " Super fans " will share your posts A brand angelist is a true fan • Word of mouth advertising is the old school name for brand evangelism Exposure to an audience of 2.7 billion • Sales opportunities you would not have had otherwise 727-424-7147 [email protected] Â

Chatbot Infographic 7

shared by joelvalentine on Apr 23
When Facebook combines Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram, its audience will be a combined 2.7 billion. Imagine advertising to everyone on that platform, and being able to respond individually to eve...


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