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4 Words to Memorise Before Searching for a Franchise

4 WORDS TO MEMORIZE BEFORE SEARCH FOR A FRANCHISE WORK Putting together a business plan is only one example of the work you'll have to do to become the owner of a franchise . You'll have a lot of other work to do to be your own boss . By work , I'm referring to the amount of due diligence you'll have to perform in order to get the right numbers etc. to put in your franchise business plan . TIME Time is a very precious commodity And time is a point that's often overlooked by today's prospective franchise owners . It takes a while to go through each and every step of the franchise buying process . WHY YOU SHOULDN'T RUSH TO BUY A FRANCHISE IN ONLY ONE MONTH There's no way anyone could possibly gather all the info , do the proper franchise research , and vet the franchisor in 30 days time . A franchisor who would allow someone into their system in only 30 days time is not a franchisor I would want to be associated with . HERE IS WHAT I RECOMMEND : Go slow and steady . It takes time to buy FOCUS There are going to be a lot of distractions that can cause you to lose focus ( talking to others about your desire to be your own boss , remaining open to good job opportunities , etc ) . Finance It is imperative that you have and maintain the right focus to get your venture off the ground , and for it to ultimately be a success in the long run . DISCIPLINE YOU'RE GOING TO NEED A LOT OF SELF - DISCIPLINE As you'll quickly find out ( when searching for a franchise ) , it's easy to be led astray . POSSIBLE SCENARIOS MAY INCLUDE : You will run across scary articles that can quickly change your opinion on the franchise rtunity ' re interested in . Your spouse might shake their head - almost robotically , as if to say , " I hear what you're saying - and all . but I'm actually pretty darn nervous about this whole idea . " BE CAREFUL , ITS REALLY EASY TO FALL INTO A FRANCHISING BLACK HOLE You're going to need to stay disciplined Rosewood

4 Words to Memorise Before Searching for a Franchise

shared by iCONQUER on Jul 05
This graphic provided by Rosewood Finance explains what you should keep in mind before you decided on the franchise that you wish to purchase.






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