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Which Cities are Embracing the Green Revolution?

WHICH CITIES ARE THE EMBRACING GREEN REVOLUTION? WHY WORRY? IN 2009, GLOBAL CO2 EMISSIONS TOTALLED 30.4 BILLION METRIC TONNES. In that year: 2008 CO2 Emissions Reductions 9.6%. ili.jİ 8.6% 7.8% 7.7% 7% Russia 0.2%. reduced its emissions by 7.4% over 2008 levels. UK Canada Denmark North America reduced its emissions by Europe reduced its emissions by 1 China increased its emissions by 6.9% over 2008 levels. 6.9% over 2008 levels. 13.3% over 2008 levels. OVERALL, THAT TOTALS A GLOBAL REDUCTION OF 0.3% OVER 2008 LEVELS. THIS MAKES 2009 THE FIRST YEAR THAT According to a report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, GLOBAL CO2 EMISSIONS HAVE DECREASED SINCE 1998... AIR POLLUTION WILL CAUSE 3.6 MILLION PREMATURE DEATHS A YEAR BY 2050. .despite the fact that there were 600,000 million more people on the planet in 2009 over 2008. =100,000 million GREEN LEADERS? WHICH CITIES ARE TAKING ACTION? =1,000 NEW YORK VANCOUVER COPENHAGEN Population: Area Population: Area Population: Area 303 34 8.4 Million 580,000 551,900 sq mi bs u bs 13,051 people/sq mi 16,199 people/sq mi 27,700 people/sq mi Has introduced a legal requirement that all new buildings have 'green roofs'. The measure is predicted to add 5,000 square metres of vegetation to the city. COMPARED 11.7% of the city is covered with WITH 44% 95%. green spaces. of New Yorkers of Americans own a car own a car Set a goal of planting Planting 1 MILLION 2017. 150,000 2020 new trees by new trees by 430,000 already planted. LONDON AMSTERDAM STOCKHOLM ....... ....... Population: Area Population: Area Population: Area 607 85 73 8,174,100* 820,654 871,952 u bs u bs *2011 estimate ju bs 9,080 people/sq mi 13,466 people/sq mi 11,944 people/sq mi There are dbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdDdb dbobabdt Generates 48% of its energy from hydroelectric Sources, 95% of the population live within 300 metres of a green area. 600.000 44% 36dbdbdbd6d6dbdbdbdb households have bicycles in Amsterdam, one for every 0.73 people! access to a car EXPENDING ENERGY-WHO'S MOST EFFICIENT? KEY: 10 20 30 40 60 70 80 90 100 110 GJ/Person NEW YORK VANCOUVER COPENHAGEN 64.7GJ 32.5GJ personyear. 80.63GJ of energy per of energy per person/year. of energy per person/year. 11% 90% 17% of energy generated from renewable Sources. of energy generated from renewable sources (primarily hydroelectric). of energy generated from renewable sources. Up to $5,000 in tax credits to residents installing solar technology at home. Big emphasis on locally generated energy. %3D "Greener, Greater Buildings' laws have set a target of reducing energy costs by $700 million a year by 2030. The city is aiming to increase this to 30% of total energy consumption by 2025. LONDON AMSTERDAM STOCKHOLM of energy per of energy per person/year. of energy per person/year. 1.2%. Only 5.87. Only 60% of energy generated from renewable sources. of energy generated from renewable Sources. of energy generated from renewable sources. Recently cut subsidies for solar panelling from ¢70/kWh to ¢26/kWH. Introducing a "smart grid", already rolled out in the Geuzenveld neighbourhood, providing residents with "smart metres" that measure Using a system of "cogeneration". granting power and heating to 80% of residents. and report on energy consumption. Subsequently. D OWN demand for solar panelling in the UK is 87%. 807, renewable sources. of this energy is produced from DITCHING THE CARS? ercentage of residents walking, cycling, or taking public transport to work: I NEW YORK 37%. VANCOUVER 24% COPEHAGEN 68%. LONDON 63%. AMSTERDAM 62% STOCKHOLM 93% I=100 NEW YORK I Operates 855 hybrid busses as of 2009, giving it the world's largest electric bus fleet. LONDON Cycle-share scheme has introduced 8,000 'Boris Bikes' for public use. Congestion charge introduced in 2003. Traffic reduced by 18%. =1000 STOCKHOLM Congestion tax introduced in 2007. Traffic in the city dropped 20%, greenhouse emissions by 14%. TAX WASTEFUL WATER CONSUMPTION THESE CITIES CONSUME: NEW YORK VANCOUVER COPENHAGEN 69.3 137 88.6 GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS of water per person per day. of water per person per day. of water per person per day. Leakage rate: Leakage rate: Leakage rate: 14% 11% 4% Has installed some Offered $290 million worth of grants to landlords to replace inefficient plumbing. All of Copenhagen's drinking water is collected from ground Introduced a metering system that reduced water consumption in average family homes by 17%. iiii 834,000 water meters in the city. Residents can receive water sources. up to $3,500 funding for solar powered hot water systems. LONDON AMSTERDAM STOCKHOLM 111.94 GALLONS 37.7 32.22 GALLONS GALLONS of water per person per day. of water per person per day. of water per person per day. Leakage rate: Leakage rate: Leakage rate: 23.47 3.5%. 17% high because one third of the city's water mains are more than 150 years old. compared with a European average of nearly 23%. That works out as roughly 72,110,000 gallons of wasted water every day. Introduced differential water pricing in 2009, making water prices vary depending on the time of day, to encourage more evenly-spread water use. That's about 6.6 million gallons of water wasted per day, or 7.6 gallons per person. That's 26,320,150,000 gallons per year, which is roughly equal to the total yearly water resources of Malta and Qatar combined. Malta Qatar Has allocated $10.42 billion to overhaul the city's water system. RIGOROUS RECYCLING? KEY: 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 KG/Capita NEW YORK VANCOUVER COPENHAGEN 679KG 1,450KG 477KG of waste per capita. of waste per capita. of waste per capita. That's about 462,000 tonnes of 30%. recycled. of waste of waste 55% waste recycled recycled. every year. 557 of waste recycled. Recycling is a top priority in Copenhagen, and only 2% of waste in 2009 was sent to landfill sites. Emphasising education to improve recycling rates. Introducing mandatory 'take back' schemes by 2015, whereby businesses will have to pay a fee for materials they don't recycle. 2% LONDON AMSTERDAM STOCKHOLM 558KG 487KG 597KG of waste per capita. of waste per capita. of waste per capita. 207. recycled. of waste of waste of waste 437. recycled. 31% recycled. Has established the London Waste and Recycling Has an extensive programme for converting non-recyclable waste to energy, and produces enough electricity to power more than three quarters of the city's households. Aiming to increase treatment of food waste to 18,000 tonnes during in 2012. Board to fund projects aimed at reducing waste and increasing recycling rates. That's some 300,000 households powered by incinerating waste alone. Only 1% of Amsterdam's waste ever goes to landfill. London Waste & Recycling Board Oo CUTTING CARBON NEW YORK VANCOUVER COPENHAGEN 8.6 4.2 5.38 tonnes of CO2 per person. tonnes of tonnes of CO2 per person. CO2 per person. Much lower than the Canada and America average 337. Copenhagen has set the ambitious target of becoming the world's first carbon neutral capital by 2025. of 14.5 tonnes, but much higher than the European in CO2 emissions Aiming for a reduction of average of 5.2 tonnes. by 2020. Carbon tax of $30 per tonne of CO2 equivalent has been introduced across British Columbia. Surprisingly, New York's density makes it one of the US's greener cities, thanks to its efficient use of land and short commute distances. TAX 100 Has allocated $280 million for reducing emissions through building efficiency improvements. LONDON AMSTERDAM STOCKHOLM 5.84 3.62 tonnes of tonnes of 6.66 tonnes of CO2 per person. CO2 per person. CO2 per person. Has set a target of reducing emissions by Already has 750 electric vehicles on the road, and 350 charging Introduced the 'Low Aiming for a total Very little heavy industry in the city. Set a target of no more Emission Zone', applying penalty fees to those driving than 3 tonnes of CO2 40% per capita by 2015, a 60%.4 locations installed. high-emission vehicles. Aiming for a total of 10,000 EVs on the 1774 reduction between 1990 and 2020. road by 2015. by 2025. From 2015 onwards, all reduction. new dwellings will have to be carbon neutral. IS IT ENOUGH? According to some climate scientists, we need to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 in order to prevent catastrophic climate change. THAT MEANS REMOVING SOME AMSTERDAM'S AMBITIOUS 40% 24,318,736,000 TONES OF CO2 REDUCTION WOULD MEAN FROM OUR GLOBAL FOOTPRINT. CUTTING APPROXIMATELY 1,657,000 TONNES OF CO2. That then means that we would require 14,676 cities the size of Amsterdam to cut out the same CO2 tonnage, in order to hit the 80% target. 14.676 IS THIS SOMETHING THE WORLD COMMUNITY IS ABLE TO ACHIEVE? RESOURCE LIST carbon dioxide emissions country data co2 https://spreadsheets google com/ccc?key=OAonYZs4MzIZbdFFIQwoockYzOGOyWkZqcUhnNDVISWc&hl=e http://www.siemens com/entry/cc/features/greencityindex_international/all/en/pdf/report_northamerica_en pdf http://www.treehugger com/sustainable-product-design/green-roofs-now-required-by-law-in-copenhagen. html uk/assets/downloads/Travel-in-London-report-1.pdf,5-5,35-39,48,55-58&D2=59,66,88,126,309&DS=(1-11)-1&DM=SLEN&LA=en&IT=2 cities/stockholm european green capital 2010/index.html http://www.dsireusa org/incentives/incentive cfm?Incentive_Code-NYO3F worlds greenest cities panel feed in tariff cut co uk/environment/2012/may/01/solar-panel-demand-subsidy-cut hllp.// england london 17296565 services/the-truth-about-privatisation.cfmıng-leakage ftp://ftp pdf http://www.sicmens com/entry/cc/features/greencityindex_international/all/en/pdf/report_en pdf hllp.// http://amsterdamsmartcity com/projects/theme/label/living http.// http.// soon do we need to cut greenhouse gas emissions/ co uk/environment/2012/mar/15/air-pollution-biggest-killer-water hllp.// CC BY ND Sweden The Netherlands United States

Which Cities are Embracing the Green Revolution?

shared by WBaskerville on Nov 26
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Today, most people recognise the importance of taking action on environmental issues in the interest of getting global carbon emissions under control. In this infographic, we look at the measures bein...


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