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What is the best type of pillows?

What is the best type of pillow? Advantages Disadvantages 1) Head: memory foam can prevent or alleviate headoches, migralnes, jaw ache, teeth grindlng and tinitus 2) Neck: Correct alignment can alleviate general neck and tenslon pain, reduce discomfort due to vertebroe, nerve, numbness, ankylosing spondylitis 3) Shoulders: Con reduce fibromyalgla (fibrositis) and frozen shoulder syndrome problems and poin. frms and Hands: Can relleve general arm and tennis elbow problems and allevlote pins and needles, numb arms and "dead hand" disorders. 24 5) Upper Back: Con reduce back, Kyphosis (curvature of the spine) and scollosis poln and problems 6) Aibs and Ribcoge: Correct body posture can alleviate rib and ribcoge palns, enhance breathing and therefore ease respiratory problems. 7) lower Back: Appropriate pelviclumbar support can greatly lessen lower back, sclatic, socrollloc, jolnt, puble symphysis, memory foam pillows Expensive price and coccygenic and nerve root palns. Hlps: Hip Initotions and pain can be lessened by reducing pressure polnts. Provides excellent support after operations and during recovery. 9) Knees: Can mitigate oching knees, arthritic and cruclote ligament trouble. Provides excellent support after operations. Down pllous are typlcally softer than other synthetically mode pllows The natural fibers in the form of feathers are also oble to breathe easily glving people much more comfort Some people are allergic to down pillows down pillows The Inherent qualities of latex allow prohibit the grouth of bacterla, mold, mildew and other organisms, maklng latex foam mattresses and latex foom pillouws totally hypo-allergenic. allowing sleepers warmth in the cool seasons, and coolness In the hot summer months. Carlng for latex Is easy Expensive price bad for the environment. latex pillows -Environment Friendly completely natural and a renewoble resource, which is what makes these pillows environment friendly. -Low Molntenance and Longevity A buckwheat pllow can last for anywhere between seven to ten years. for keeping It clean and germ-free, the pllow case needs to be washed regularly. The pllow on the Inside only needs to be kept in sunlight for a few hours, once a month. can make a rustling or crunching noise buckwheat pillows SLEEP MENTOR UNBIASED REVIEWS %24

What is the best type of pillows?

shared by billytrail on Jul 13
Need new pillow? Check advantages and disadvantages of different pillow types to decide what pillow is the best for you.


Sleep Mentor




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