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Top Tips For Study Success

TOP TIPS for STUDY SUCCESS 1| STUDY. TREAT. REPEAT. Balance is the key to a successful study routine. Over-working, or working when you are tired will actually end up being detrimental to the task itself. So with that in mind, set yourself time limits on your study periods. That way, your focus will continue to be renewed throughout the session, as the regular breaks will give you time to reflect and regroup your thoughts. Work for... 30-50 MINUTES ...then break. SIGN UP TO ACTIVE RECALL E REVISION! Active recall revision is when you can recall information without having to use any supporting context. Studies have shown that this type of revision can increase memory retention by more than 100%! 2 THINKING FOOD! When under pressure from studies, our concentration on what we eat often declines. Whereas actually, planning your meals and picking brain boosting foods can greatly affect your study performance. Below are a few foods that could help improve your cognitive abilities and help you concentrate on those facts that still seem stifling! Wholegrain Glucose A slow-energy release food, that will keep you mentally alert over a longer period of time. Avocado Monounsaturated Fat Essential in maintaining a healthy blood flow and mental alertness. Dily Fish Omega 3 They contain natural instant fatty acids that aid with memory retention and brain function. Pumpkin Seeds Zinc Zinc, like Omega 3, helps maintain a focused mind, and helps with cognitive progress. Broccoli Vitamin K Vitamin K contributes to the production of myelin, a chemical that protects your brain cells. Nuts Vitamin E Much like leafy green vegetables, and eggs, nuts are a great Source of Vitamin E, which has been shown to reduce cognitive decline. Blueberries Vitamin C Vitamin C greatly improves mental capacity, but is unfortunately lost a lot of the time during the cooking process, so fruits are a great way of getting all you can! 3 PICK UP A PEN The benefits of putting pen to paper when revising are endless. From re-writing lecture notes to making checklists of your best and worst topics, writing down your new knowledge can help analyse and refresh existing knowledge and highlight areas in need of focus. Perfect practice for that writing exam! Initial Note-Taking Always take notes to begin with! Keep them organised for future referencing Organise And Prioritise Produce brainstorms of the most relevant information Highlight your notes and colour-code topics Testing Your Knowledge Make yourself key flash card notes Use checklists to organise your strengths and weaknesses Be Creative! Poem ene A funny poem or anecdote Relating topics to pictures may help you learn a tricky fact will increase memory retention 4 SHUT EYE SUCCESS A good nights sleep can boost your concentration immensely. We often think that cramming before an exam is the best form of last minute revision, but actually a good nights sleep and an early rise for any final revision is much more beneficial. Without a good night's rest, the information you are trying to absorb will inevitably be lost to fatigue. A Good Night's Sleep is... 6-8 Hours The Extremes! 1 2% 2% NEED AS MUCH AS CAN FUNCTION PROPERLY WITH AS LITTLE AS 5 HOURS 9 HOURS SLEEP TO FUNCTION SLEEP PROPERLY 5 SWITCH OFF! We're all aware of the power of modern technology. With social media updates being sent to our phones every few minutes and must watch viral videos, it can be difficult to avoid distractions. During your exam time it is important to try to rid yourself of these distractions simply turn your phone off for an hour a day whilst you study! TURN DOWN THOSE TUNES Studies have shown that listening to music whilst you study can actually reduce your recall ability. Social Media Distractions It might be a good idea to log out of, or deactivate your social media account at the busiest exam times. People can always get in touch with a quick text message, or phone call if they really need you. RAINCHECK THAT LAST LEVEL A video game can be a good way to have some downtime, but they are a dangerous place to lose too many hours. If you know you are not the type to be able to forfeit a game, save it for after the exam period. You've Got Procrasti-mail Just like social media, checking your emails can be another unnecessary distraction. Check your emails if you have to, but try not to think about incoming messages. You don't want to jeopardise your study time for a chain message or a piece of junk mail. 6 GROUP WORK Think about tackling your study time as a team. One topic may not be your strongest area of expertise but it could be your colleagues or friends favourite! Coming together in a study group with people you trust and respect may help you explore areas of study that you may otherwise find daunting. Y you can teach it, you've learnt it PICK YOUR STUDY GROUP WISELY Shh! Choose your revision team wisely. Pick friends and colleagues with the same work ethic, that way you'll have people who value their studies just as much as you! FINALLY.. Remember to... Have Fun! During exam time, we often forget how exciting and invigorating learning can actually be! Remember why you are studying, and what you hope to, and can, achieve! TELEPHONE (UK): 0843 249 8206 TELEPHONE (INTERNATIONAL): INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BOOK-KEEPERS IAB +44 1732 808709 REGISTERED OFFICE: Suite 5, 20 Churchill Square, Kings Hill, West Malling, Qualifications for business Kent, ME19 4YU United Kingdom in Design by: Refloctdigital

Top Tips For Study Success

shared by Donnareflect on Jan 18
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The International Association of Book-keepers has worked with digital marketing agency Reflect Digital to create a fantastic 'Top Tips' infographic to aid your studying!




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